Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I ' I 11 , I I' I Luke IS'· Afrs x6. A&sz. Ad:s 9• ~ Su£hasdoc femewhat, but nottho. rovvly. M.tth IJ: true, and the t.AILfttjficiency that is in God, and vpon this ground, he comes in to God. As you know, the Prodtgal!Sonne, whenhefawrhat he could notfubfii1:1onger, bnt.he mufi periib,ifhe frayed where hewas; and faw.againc, ifhe went home to his Fathershoufe, there rMs meat enMtgh; , thiswas that that moued him to go home :this coyrfetheLurdtakes with all whom he brings home tohim;as we fee in the Iaylor: and in tbofe cAE!.2. They were pricked in their hearts; and in Paul, when thelightjhinedabout him,and hewas firicken from his horfe, AE!.g.Itwas all but to fhewthem their vanitie, to take them off from their owne bottoms, to iliew them their owne infufficiencic, and then he difcovercd that All– fujficimcinhat was in himfelfe >for no man will change but for the better, he will not deny him– felfe,and leauewhathe hath, tillfomething that is better be propounded vnto him: So,I fay ithe caufewhymen come notin,is,becaufe theyha:ue an opinion of[ulficiency in themfelues,and in the creature,and they apprehend not ant.All-fi1fici– encie inGod:that is,anAllfujficiency to be in him alone. , Afecondfortofmenarefuchasdo comein, - and performe many things, andbringforth fomt fr'uit,and become profeifors ofthefeareofGod, · arid yet they do it notthroughly, but by,halues; the caufe ofthis is likewife from hence,that they do nor apprehend Godto beAll~fulficient; for if tl1ey did,theywould beperfect withhim; as we fee theScconcland Third Grottnd(for that Parable doth.