Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I' I Vainehopcs and feares draw us from God. ifwe cleaue unto him, & his threatnlngs all evill ·things,ifwedepartfrom him.lfthis were fully beleeued,-ourhearts would keepen eare tohim: as far re as it is not beleeved,fo farre we ll:ep out. ·Now,l fay,hence foith purijieth lj;e1Jurt:It fanctifieth, it is the caufeof.all rjghteoufnes that is wrought by us : and uhheUerc is the caufe ofall - unrighteoufnes that is wrought by us .Hence we gatherthen,thattheperfwafionofGodsAll-fof . ciencie keepes amans heart perfeE1with Goa: and as farre as you come fhort ofthis perfwafi– on,fo farre you are ready to depart from him. · And the ground ofiris, becaufe that which .drawes us from theLord, is either vaine feares, or vain hopes,Thofe·are the two earesasit were bywhich Si!than takes every man, whereby he drawes himaway out of thewayes ofthe Lords Commandemems. Now ifaman did beleeue t·hat Gidwere All~fofficient he would be fubje~· to() none of thefe falfefeares, ifhe did,apprehend him to·beeaBuck/tr,that could-keepe him from al -ill.Againe,on the other lide,ifhe did beleeue · G~dto be an excttding great ·reward, that is, fo great artwardthatthere can be nothing wanting in him,that -there is ttltngth;& breadth,&depth, 411d heighi,in that rtwArd,that his heart hath la– titude enough to walke in,he can defire nothing outofit: this would free aman from all vainc hopes, fo that theapprehention ofit would keep (his heartperfet1. Contradwife, as farre as you 1 fayle in either; fo farre you are fubjed to thofe two,either f~lfe feares,or vaine& finfull hopes: , and'