Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL- s V F F I c I EN c Y. and that is tne caufeof<?ur uneven and unequall ·walking with God, that 'Wee are not upright and perftif. . - · Hence you may fee both the nature offin,and P'le 1 •. thecaufeofall finne;foritis profitable forus.BeSllewin~rhc · tovtd, ( profitable: than) to _fi:rid(r· c2 ufc oHinne. ·out the caufe offinne.It is a Rnle thatP_hy(ztia_ns haue,thatadifeafe,whenitis throughly known, ( thatis,when thecaufeofitisfully known)itis .halfe cured; is in the difeafeofthe foule,.to, ·know the very roote& rife,from whenceitpro– t:eeds,or com'meth, to·know the prindple fr:0m– whence it ariferh, itis agreat helpe to·us to pre– -vent it, tohealeit. But I fay·, .this.will both iliew :the nature offinne, and the caufe offinne in us. Firft, it Qlewes the nature offinne, how e.v.iUa 1 • .thing it is,yea worfe,than, forthe moll: part, we Theaaturt~ ,apprehend it to be; for ifthere be no,finne committed, butit comes ftom hence,.that you apprehend not .Alt-fuflicitni, then there is1dolatry(inamanner)committed in every fin, that is,you take fromGodandaddeanotherGod . . ·to him,ifyou thinke himn~t tobe1/t:fo(fi&:ient;·. ~~;&~~ w.hatfoeveryoufeekto; &Joynewtth htm,you'- .make ir-a riodas well as.he)lfit b€ c-redit; ifit be -l!onor,ifit be pleafutes·~ifit be:riches,yea what- - _foeverit is,I fay,thereisabitter root of Jdillt~try ,in thecommiffionofevery fm, that makesitoHt ofmettfurefinfull.~ · This-w.e mayr confi.deri~Y the· way, buuhislpurpofe notto.:ftand on;thething· ·that I would·chiefly prelfe, is-to find . out the– :caufeoffin;.thccaufe.ofrhat hollownes, &that C4; im... ,