Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I, I' I I . ' ' I •. 1 2· Thec~ufeof finnC'.' Simile. ... ... ' D S im.perfedneife, and infinceritie that is in rh~ hearts ofmen towl{ds Gt~~4,which,I fay, arifeth from hence, that they apprehend not Godto be t.Ail-fujficient,for this (for the mofi part)is the .cafe ofmen,iftheydid not apprehend fome fuf– ficiency in him,they would not feeke him atall; againe,ifthey did apprehend him tobeAil-fuffi· cient, they would feruehimperfe8ly : but this. middleappr~henfion in men, that they thinke there is a filfficiency in theLord, but not anAlt– fofficiencie., this is the caufe why the hearts of ,men are hollow towards theLord.Even as when -aman lookes towards agreatman, that isaman of(omepowerableto doe him hurt, andrhat hath fome abilitie to doe himgood: this makes him to fearc,itmakes him carefulltopleafehim, and to abll:aine from what may offendhim: yet, bec~ufe he thinkes he is nor perfe_Cl: with him, that hi$ heart is but hollow towards hirn, hee dorh it riotfully.,So it · i~in~'tirwalkirtg before God, becauteweapprehend him not to ~heAU.· fufficimt, therefore-it is ·that QUr.hearts are not perftl1~ithhim; .- . ·weihall bell: fhew you this·in intl:ances; for example; •What is the r-eafon, that a man is dif– couragedin feekingtoGod, in praying toGod, in d~pending upot1Gtidin anygreat cafe ofdifficul– ty'w~~r~t,here .is more then ordinary difficulty' t~hereis moreto be'futfere<{, there is more to be · done,'whatis t!hereafon ofit~becaufe weappre. ~endhim noHo be:All-fofficimt. You knowthe l .turningofmen away fromGod, c6monlyit ari• . ' feth ----~----~----~~---- · '