Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

___._.._.._ ........_____,_---...._ . A L L - s V F F I c I & N ' c y. \ 43 aBuckler,as covers us over, hejsawttllot' !Tralie, I 8 'J JJ" er,r x • as itis expreffed in !er. r. r8. and~mt fo only; but he IS fayd tO be tl waff offire about his children. That is. He is not onelya wall that keepes them fafe.,_.but awall of fire to confiuneall them that come againfi tbem: fqr a fire, you know, cloth not onely defend thofe that are within the corn· pa!fe ofir, but it burnes thofe that come neare it: :1 Such a one is God to his children; And this is one thing wherein his r...Alt-fufficiemie confifis, ·1 that·codcommunicates to them. The fecond is in filling themwith all comfort, z. which isexpretfedinP[al.84. Th~ Lordwillhe tt F,l!ingus with. Sunneandashield; hewill beaShieldtokeepoff ~~:ar~~~· evill, and aSu.nne, to fill them with all comfort. I am ( fayth he) thy exceedinggrr,;zt rewttrd. As if .,. he fhould fay, Abraham, whatfoever is, all that I haue>all my attributes are thin~,for thyufc / mypower,mywif~ome,my counf~ll, my goodnes,my riches, whatfoever is mine in thewho1e world, I wil1giueit for thy portion, I, & aH that I hauearethine.Andmighthe not welli:1y, he was anexceedinggreat rtward? Who can under· fl:and the ht:::ighr} and b,readth, and length, and depthof this reward,Iam thy exceedinggreat nwttrd~ That is. Thou fhalt haue all kinde ofcomfortin me, & thou Quit hauethern in rhe highdl and grearefi meafure. And in rhefe cloth Gods LAUfufficiencie confifr,that Godcommunicates and deriues to os from himfelfe. . Now to fl1ewthat he is fv,you mull:underftand not only that the Lordis wholy Alt.fujficienJto I· G 2 his J