Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

44 O .F Gons ' his children on the one fide. That is. He brings all comforts with him, but this muft alfo li>e un- ,' derl1ood,that in the .creature, on the other fide, •' there is no fufficiency at all. It was the point I began to touch upon the lafrday; I will now o– pen it unto you more fully. There is FIO lufliciencie io theCreature. Tile Cre~ture «:1ndoeoo· tbingoHt frlfc, io rr ake· ' ushappie, l• Becau(e :It is inf~rioc ·to as. 'Ihat in the ereatun there is-nofotficiency at aU, ~tndin the Lordthere it AU-fujficie»cy . Wewillnotdif-joynetheni, but handle both together; ( for it would be in vaine for mee to proue theLord is .A11-fu.lficient)but the great de– ceit, which-prcvailes with the hearts. of men,,is this, that they think there is fomething to be had in the- creature ofit felfe. And therefore,wewill fpend thofe Arguments by whichwe will proue this chief!yand convince youofit, that there is nothing in the Creature, no ll:abilitie, no fuffici. ency)it can doe you of it fdt:~,neither good nor · hurt, as we told you the Iafi day. All the good : &hurt that thecreature canbe fU&ppofed to doe, · it fiandsin one ofthefetwothings.Eitherinma– king us happy, or miferable;Or elfe·, , fecondly, . in affording usfubfidiary helps,fuch as .we haue need of upon occ.afion. In neither of them the Creatureofit felfe,is able to doe anything. You mull: remember (thatwhich we then delivered) 'that the Creatureis notable to ,doe any thing in· thematter .ofourhappit;]effe~ . Firlt,Becaufe itisinferiortous, &that which , i$.,inferiorcannotaddeto that which is-aboue-it•. . Secondly~ ,