Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL-SVFFICIENCY. ~· theRuler, !J11t his judgement is from theLord.That is;men are deceived in this,if they thinke theRu.:. ler,as ofhimfelfe, can doe any thing, though he fecmeto hauemuch power and abilitie, to doe fome good,and hurt to men,ifany elfe can>ther· fore (fuyth he) menfoe/a his foa, but ,he isnot~We to doe any thing, but what theL~rddictates– to him, or permits him, what he prefcribes to ·~ him to doe, what he faith he !hall doe, juft fofar.– he goes and no farther ,for the whole judgement that aman hath,it is from him,itis.from-theL~rd· That is . All the good·and evill that hedotb~tpat minde ofhis,from whence it proceedeth, is gui– ded and fafhioned by theLord,.upon every parti– cular occafion,,, wheruoever.·hee hath . to ·doe .with us,,orwe with him :·butthatisfor·menthat. ar.ewithoutus, for other men ~ - r ., 13ut, now, for amans felfe : there is the fame - ·reafon,indeed,ofthe one as thereis ot:the other, Gods~wer butrnanthinkeS'hehath' libertie, he thinkes he ingaidingua €angoe tofueh, ornotgoe; he can doe inourlibercie · fuc.h athing, or not doe itj k is-very true, and thereforethe almightie power of61Jd is feene herein, whkh we are notable to comprehend, ~hat when there isfuch alibertiein the foulc, in thewill ofman, in the devices and thoughts ofa~ mans heart, yetthatthey iliouldbe allfoguided byhimthat thereis not the leafi fiiJ:ringof them this way onhat way, without his ordering ·and' ~oncurrence; even,as you fee,Birdsflying, they leemeto ~le at libertie,yetthat alllhouldb.~ guiN~tt• - ... ,.~ ded and orderedbyan over-ruling hand; .Suc;h are: