Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

51; r , · Q _ F - G 0 , D S , '~ 4. are-thewilesofmen;& that you fh;;z11.fee in thdfe Mans devices . particulars; when aman thinkes with himfelfe, ruled byGgds r. I . t. h. r. I e. b h. h l purpofe. hecon1u tswua Imte rea outat mg t at yes before him, that is in his owne power to doe;or Prov. 19, u; not to doe, in this; fayth theText;Prov. 19. z-r . MAnyde'[Jices ttrein amansheart,btttthecotmfols theLordjlMIIftand. That is. Though there befu vari~tie qfdevices, that he isable to call: things this way orthat way, and to reafon to and fro, and tothinkewithhimfelfe, I can deethis, and I can_doethe contrary, yet, fay rh he, lookc what theLordbyhis counfell, will: haue th;u man to refolue upon, Iooke what iffuehe hath puno his .deliberations, that counfell iliall ftand 3 and all thQfe devices iliall beguided and ruled by it, and n~t goe a ftep·outofit. Come now to the ·counfeis ofa tnans heart, when aman hath thought this with himfelfe, L wmfpeakeorutterthis, or act that, as he hath ~refolved to doe,you would thinke this- man hath · powertQ. doeit. Fro. r 6. There ~treJn~>arAtions i11 Prov.t6. •• r amansheart/H~tthe~tnfwer ofthe mot~th i; from the ·Lort(. Thatis. Even when it is foncere that you rhinke,there is nothing that can come betweene that aman hatli refolved with himfelfe, & fayth this will I doe,orthis willI fpeake,faith theL11rd no.rwi~hfianding, this preparation, though you hatte madeall thefe ready,that now it is upon the verypoint,on the act ofe~ecution,yetnow faith be, the anfwer iliall be given as I thinke meete: andthatwhichisfaid ofanfwering, may be ap– plyed to all ki~des ofaCtions, whenaman hath though!_ ..