Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I ;; Jl.!te.fl. An/i~· 1 Cor. 7. 30. TheCom · :·man<icmeAts of God. groun~ ·dedon realon , Q F. · a· 0 D S 1Philofophy, that after aman is put intoexpec1a– tion of~ny thing, then every affection is fiirred n1ore vehemently, whereas had.he not had that ·expectation hec would haue beene more quiet. Thcrefote if we were perfwaded,and convinced ofthe varurie of the creature,and the emptinefi'e i-n ir,.we would never expect much from it; and, if wedid expett nothing, our hearts would be quieted within us, for all varieties of accid~nts that fall out; for, I fay, it ariferh hence, that we thinke there is fome fulnefle, fome fiabilitie in them, we are not fuliy perfwaded of the va_nitie· ofthe'creature,we thinkc it can do good or hurt. Youwill fay;Is nor the creature able to do good or hurrdwill name but one place, beftdes·rhat I named ~efore, rCor.7·3o. Let thofethat ·weepe6e ,u thofe that weep not,andthoft that rejoyce iu thofe_ that rejoyce 1Mt, andthofe that 6uy M thofe thttt pof– fe.(fodnot,andthey that t{e this worlda they that uft it nut, _for the f4Jhion ofthis worldgotthaway. When the Ltirdgiuesfuchaprecept as this, cer.. t:Jinelyrhere is a ground for it ( as we h1ue often told you) that in all the Commandements of God, ifthey were open to us, if we did fee the ground ofthem,.weweuldfe'e that therewere fo much reafonforthem,Jhatif God didnorcom– nnnd rhem,ytlu would fee it befi for you to pra- - ctifethe_m, you would fee reafon fo.r it. Now when theLordbids them that gricue,to doe it as , ·though they grieved not,and them that rejoyce, . t.o doe itas though they rejoyced not . I gather· this from ir, that thecr~aturecan doe very-little, , \ · good ~;