Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• A L L - s-v F F 1 c 1 E N c v. - good or hun;for,ifrhe creature could doe much hurt; certainly, then we might grieue to fome purpofe ; bur, fayth he, let the evil! be what it will,yetgrie;;eas thottgh yeugrieved not.--That is; . Let it be as good ¥s-nothing,that as a man is faid to heare as though beheard not, and to fee as he f.1w nor; when he cloth t)Otattend the tale thatis told,but yet ;he hearesir:fo fayth he, ifyou hauc fome gride, let it be fo fmali, fo little, as ifyou grieved not: And fo likewife for joy; put the cafe, you hadall the preferments, all the corn· forrs & bldiingsin this world heap~d upon you, . .yet rejoyce in thcfef<:> remilly, as if you tejoy– ced not.Now,itiscertaine, ifthey could docus– ·anyfpeciallgood,w~might rejoyce ina greater meafurethen fo:but,when the Lord[ayth,rejoyce tU ifyou rejoycedlt~t,it is certainethcy can doe us . very littlegood. Thatis; So little as if theydid us no good at alt Bur, you willfay; it feemesthey can_doe us a obj~tt. little good; whereas-it was fayd before,the crea- · ture can doe neither good nor hurt. __ Wewill anfwerthatbriefly; The meanjng is-· Anfw. this, that the Lordgiuesus leaue to grieue al!ttle, . TheCr_e:aturc:l· and to rejoycealittle, fo that it be in a remilfe dothneither r. h . b k . h" b d b h goodnor-hurt manner,1ot attt e eptwlt m · ouA s, utt e ofirfeUc. creaturecan do us no good, nor no hurt at all of ·it felfe,but as it is difpofed by theLord, & there– fpre though it dofomething, yetthatis d<:>ne by · God,and not meerlyby the creature. Sothe rule · holds good,though the creaturedoe fomething, ., yet feeing it isnot ofit felfe,l:>utas itis an Infirument, .