Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• A L L'. s V f F I c I E N c y. yet they fang withjoy ofheart,thcre was fuch a : flufhotjoy,their harts were fo filled with it, that they c<:>uld not ~ontain.Ifaman be brought ; topoverty, it cannot hebeyond that of I obs;was · it notenougfi for lobtohaucGodfor his portion did he notfoone turne it'! did he not.fqone take :. away that, & rurnethe River another way, a> it ~ were, and liP himwith aboundancr. '! - Oh;buty-ou will fay,ifl were a fplrit,and conobjeCJ. lifted only ofanimmateriallfoule, & no more, I thouldbecontent,(it may be) to haue the Lord : for my portion, bur,bdides thar,I haue abody, j' lhaueate~poraU life, and therefore I need rem- .' : ; porall comforts,and therefore though I would. · hauehthe 111 Lord1,diiwboui~ hhaue thhefe things added) .I for, 0w ou e W1t outt em~ , • To this I anfwer. Firfi; that,though tnou·be Jtnjw• . -deprivedofallthefetemporall hleffings & corn- : forts, yetthou fhalt finde them ~11 in the Lord, : I fay, though they were all Iofl:,,and all fcattered,. · :though thou wcrtfi:ript ofthem a1,yetthou il1alt ·· 'find them all in the Lord if thou haue him alone. You wiJlfay, howcan that bee~ This you mull: , :know,tharallthat Godhath wrought in thecrea- ''A~~f. .. ture, all the excellency,allthe beautic and de- . light, and comfort, he hath put in the creature, . ;into mear,drinke, muficke,tlowers, yea, inroa'll Con1f~rr:and :~rcaturesofallforts;whois.the<:a~fe ofallthis.<' J _eltccn ~ncieis . ; Is not theLordthe·caufe~Ins certame',then,that 1 10 ~0~'~·~hrhe , . h r · · h ffi :.n . • . .• • 1 c au.t', m t e . ·w atioevr:rtsmt ee e~[~.Jstnthe caufe,and,tn 1Crt'lc•Jr.eaa : ~the.caufe in.a more excellent manner. Ther·eate , the eie~• . {omecaufesthatproduce'buttheirlik~as when " I lite