Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

74 OF GoDs fire begets fire, or, when a man begets a man, herethereisanequalhy betweene the caufeand . theeffetl:s : but the re areothercaufesthat areun. 1iketheir effects ;as the Sunne prodtlcethmany effects, that hauea di.ffimilitude toit,ithardhes~ and foftens, and heat~s, and dryes, and all thefe are in the Sunne,but they are in a" more excellent manner, then you fl1all fee them in theeffect: that is but a poore fimilitude, to expreffethat I would,but yet it is thebe~we haue. Looke now up6whatfoever qrou·haft found in the creature, wharfoever beautiethou hafrfeenc, whatfoever delight thou hall:tafred <?f, wnatfoeuer excei– lencie thou haft difcouered, and be p~rfwaded ofthis;that all thi~ isin theLordin ~ more excef- · lent maimer,then itis in the Creature. · J&ejf. ' Well,youwillfay,I grant this ; but what fol.. Iowes on that ~ · what. isthis tomy comfort~ , Anfw. .Beloved;Iristhisto rhy·comfort ; If thouloofe ,; T_he Lc:rd all, makeufe ofthatinMark. I o , JI'tlJou loo'rfocomumc:ates J ' 'J • to bis,thofe 1 ther,andm{)ther>or brethren,or fijlers,or landes, & co~for~s that : houfes ,andallthatyouhaue,you{hall find all thefe · aremhlm, I . h' "f' C: 11 I .r. r: b . h" 'f h .. Mark. 10,2. 9 \ In t~:t 10ra t 1e1e comrorr,s em 1rn,1 t ou · haft htm alone,thou ilialt find aUthefecomfon s communicated to thee.,Thatis 5Thou !halt find . . the comfort ofrhemin.a·gr~ater meafure, in a· more~xceHenrmanner;than thou iliouldftin the thingsthemfulucs; why elfe fhou ld he fay., Y ot" /hat! haue an hundredfoldwithper(ec.tslion ? And markctheinft:ance;for you iliJllfindthe promifi·. repeatedagaine, and he namesthemeveryone ; Jfay toyau, there. isn~m11n thatjor[1kesfa ther, Q-i'- , . ' h tNP.. er,., ..