Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

S£ttM. 1 r Triumph of Faith. 9) what wai true, tha! .f.he had~ great Fa~r~, rind Fatth cannot be but lovmg·and lond to ChnfH T¥bat? m~ Heart [rJdned anrl broken: Aft' 2Jaugh- , ter vexed wit!J a YJe;vit! :But oh alas, m,y Sa'r>'iour flrlfJ.leteth not one 1-Yord, fwe~t .'Jefos reje8eth ?if.:Q, bow can I jland undf!r fo many Hetts ? He curet/Q ~ . atl that C01Jie unto him : I am the firft that e·ver tbis King fent a<zJ.lay witk a fad Heart, he cafteth none arzva'Y comet.l1, he weJcometh at!, on~ Jy . he ~wilt not took on me j(OOr and mifera'bte .? Ok ' - ~vha t can J now do ! You may know a M other'i , Heart to her tormented Child, and a. Believer'i Bowels to a Saviour; here's a Bu.rden above a L0ad: :But •wbv ttnjwereth he att Sinners, but no'J. one Jf/Ord to me? :Anfru;.• I. Few. or none are ternpted, but the Upihot of the Temptation is to beget b!g Apprehenfionsofthe Temptation: Never was Man in the Condition I am in: Chrift1 anfwereth the Devils when they cry, he wilt not give m1 one I ook, one Caft of his Eye, not one balf Word: The Temptation muft reprefent Chrift, as a 1\on.. fuch for rough. Dealing, and the Tempted a Non~ fuch for Mifery: EJiis muft fay, 1 Kings 1 i. 20. I, even I only, am left alone, and they feek my Life. Pfal. 2 2. 4· Our Fathers_ truftcd in thee, they trufted in thee, and were delivered. Ver. 6. :But !.am no :Body: 7Jt#t I am a Worm dnd no Nitn. Lam. 1. 12. 0 PaJ[ers by, hear behotr!, and · foe if there be ar;y Scrrow like tmto mJ Sorrorz.v! &c. I Cor. 4· 9· We are made • V JMtre, a Spectacle to Men and An1:,d; : The Temptation muff: put on the Face of Hell to drive at this, to caute the Child ofGod put himfrlf ont of the Kallender and Sc~ciety of God's Childr.en : ·Hence, that (no ther~ 'l.Ms never a Soul jince thf UorM rw4S. tikt me,