Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

9' The Triat and SERM. r t. me, 1 am my 1-Jone.) , I. Chrift once, firfi or Iaft, mufi be no Chrift, aod God not God to be tempted, H:tt.b he forgotten to be .?;racio~s? PJ~d . 77· 1t forge~tmg_ G?d, a change? G~~ ts not God ; fttck by thts Prmctple, yet he ·1s Chnft, and my Chrifi too. 2. ' 'Tis faid, he anfwered her not a Word; · but 'tis not faid, he heard not one Word: Thde two' differ much; Chrift oftel) heareth when he doth not anfwer, his not anfwering is an Anfwer, and 1peaks this, pray on, go on, and cry; for: rhe Lord ' I holdeth his Door faft bolted, nQt to keep out, but that you may knock and knock: Prayer is to God, Werlhip: To us, often, 'tis but a Servant upon mere Neceffity fent on a Bufineis: The Father will caufe his Child fay over again, what he once heard _ · him fay, becaufe he delighteth tq hear him fpeak: So God heareth and 1ayeth by him an Anfwer for Ephraim, J er. 3 I. 18. I have heard Ephraim bemoaning hitnfelf; but Ephrdim heard not, knew not that God told all Ephraim's Prayer over again behind his Back. 3· No Anfwer fi·om Chrift is Helt to a Believer, but to kifs and embrace Hell, becaufe 1 ,tio; Chrift's Hell, is a Work of much Acceptance: When you fay, I'll pray, an? di~ praying, tho' I be never heard, becaufe Praytng ts my Duty, and God's Glory; let me die in a Duty that glorifieth him. 4· Wrdtling addeth Strength to Arms and Body, praying and praying again :ftrengtheneth Faith; cu:ftotnary runnning lengtheneth the Breath; by much Praying Faith is well breathed : Jacob is ftronger in the Morning, when he hat~ prayed a - wHole Night, than at Bed-time, .Gen. 3 2.. 26. 'I'he An get [aid, tet me go, for' tl~e :Day breaketh: And · he jaid, I witt not tet thee ~o tilt tbou blefs me. Then in the Dawning he hatn prayed harder~ a~d ~;tled