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44 The Triat and SERM.) ing. the fpotle·fs· Juftice of Goq :. If we faw this, wh1le we are ltvmP.: here on Earth, we Jhould not dare to offend th~~ Majefiy of God; but fhould hear, come to Chriit,and believe and be :faved: But the Truth is, If we beJi.eve not Mofts and the Prophet.~> neither fhould we believe this; becaufe we fee w1th <>ur Eyes, and hear with our Ears, ev.en while we are in this Life, daily, Pie'ces and ltttle Parcels of Hell; for we fee and hear daily fome tumbling in their Blood, Thoufands cut dQwn of our Brethren, Children, Fathers; MalefaS:ors hanged and quartered, Death in every Houfe: Thefe, thefe be little Hells, and little Coals and Sparkles of the great Fire of Hell, and certain Documents to us, thatthere is a Hell: Yet we neither hear nor come to Chrift. · Nay, fuppo{e a Prea~her came from Reil to the ricb Glutton's jive Yirethren, Luke I 6. aml fhould bring with him all the · Lafhes and Print of the Whips of Satan's Scorpions, on Back and Side, on Thighs, Arms and Legs ; '<tnd th~mg~ he fhould b.~;ing up to us, out of Hell, ten tnoufand Damned, and brjng with him the Fire, the red Coals of the Fury ofGod, every CoaLas great as a Mountain, and offer rhem all to our Eyes, Ears and Senfes; fuch is the Power of our Deafnefs and Blindnefs, that we Jhould not believe: For when many little Hells work fo little by Length of Time, this one great Hell fhould never bring us to hear and come to Chrift. See how little we are affeCted with the Blood of {o manv Thoufands of om own Flefb in the three Kingdoms. Alas! our Sentes are confined within Time. The other Thing obfervable is, That 'tis good to be near the Place where Chrift is. It was Advantage,