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SERM. 6 Triumph of Faith. . 45 vantage, that the Woman dwelt upon th~ Borders of the Land where Chrifr was: It is good tor the Poor to be a Neighbour befide the Ri~h ; ard for the Thirft¥, to rake up Houie and dwell at t11e Fountain; and for the Sick to border with the Phyfician. 0 love the Ground-that Chrifr walketh on. 'Io be born in Sion is an Honour, Pialm 87. 6. becauje there the Lord dwetletb. 'Tis a Bleffing to hear and iee Chrift,' Matth. q. 16. We do not weigh, nor duly efteem what a Favour · it is, that Chrifr walketh in the Midft of the golden Candlefticks, that the Voice of the Turtle is heard in our Land : 'Tis ours, to build him a a Palace of Silver. , For the fixth Article, which is, Her adoring of Chrift; it fhall be fpoken of in another Place: I haften therefore ·to her Prayer. S £RMON VI. I N her Pray'er, as it is exprefred by Jtt!atthew, ,. , we ha ye, 1. The Manner of it, She cried. , z.. The Compellation, or Party to whom fhe prayeth, 0 Lord, thou Son of:JJavid. 3· The Petition, Have Mercy on me. 4· The Reafon, For my '.IJaughrer is vexed with a 'IJe·vit. She cried. The poor Woman prayed (as w~ fay) with good Will, with a bent AffeCtion. Why is crying ufed in praying ? ljaq it not been more Modefty to fpeak to this Soul-redeeming Saviour, who heareth fometimes befo~e ..we pray, than to . .. cry out and fhout ? For the D1fc1ples do after complain, that S/:Je crieth fo after them: Was Chrift fo difficile to be entreated? The Reafons of ctying are, 1. Want cannot blu.fh, the pinching Necei11ty of