Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

IA.3 I The iitdijpenfable Dui) their converfion t:_ather than their confufi– on; and be more defirous that God· would fit then1 for another world, than that he ·would take then1 out of this. Vve n1ay ~~ndccd wiih the d.ifappointment of their 'tvi.cked purpofes ;... for this is charity t0 them., to keep the1n from being the un– happy inflrumentsofn1ifchief.ih the world:· but he that can wii11. plagues and ruin to their perfons, and delights in their fins, or in their mifery, bath more of the devH than the Chrifl:ian. 'rhus you have feen who thofe enemks are to whom our charity 1nufl be ·extend– ed. It follows. to be confidered, what is· the nature of the love we owe them. I ;!'hall not now fpend your time in any nice or curious fpeculations about the nature of . this mafl:er-paffion. It is the prime af– feB.-ion of the foul, which gives meafures, and fets bounds to all the refl:; every n1an' s hatred, grief, and· joy, depending upon, and flowing from his lov~. I ihall now only obfcrve to you, that there is.a fen– fible kirid of love, a certain tendernefs and n1elting affeEtivn in1planted in us by na– ture towards our nearefl: relations, on pur– pofe to engage us to thofe peculiar ftnviccs vve owe the1n; and there is an intimacy and