Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

Of k v ing ottr E nemies. T4'9·:· ·and delightful union betwixt friends, a– riling front fon1e efp.ecial fympathy of hu- . l110U[S, and referring tO the maintenance· of fuch correfpondencies. Thcfe ar~e not ahvays at our con1mand'; no-r are we o– bliged ·. to love either {hangers ot-· enen1ies· at this rare. It is not tu be expeCted, that at firfl: fight .of a perfon who bath nothing lingularly taking, we fhould find fuch a · fpecial kindnefS and tenderncfs arifing for him in our hearts; much lefs can fond- . nefs and paffionate affection proceed front the fei1fe of any harn1 received fro1n hitn. The con11nand in the text does not a– n1ount to this, (tho' there be a great ad-· vantage in a tender attd affeCtionate dif-– pofition, both to fecure and facilitate our di.ny) ; but we are certainly obliged to fuch a fincere and· cordial good-will to all n1en, as will incline .us to perforn1 all the ' good offices we can, even to thofe -vvho nave offended us. Bi1t the nature and 1neafures of this love will n1ore fully ap- . pear, if we confider what i~ does exclude, and what it does imply. Fir~, then, it excludes all harih thoughts and groundlefs fufpicions. The Apofile– tdl et h us, that char iJy think'eth 110 evil · ~ ~ th[:f it hopeth all thi11gs, belie·veth all thi11gs .. N 3,.. To