Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

1 theClodis taken ofthe Tabernacle. breaking of bread : fo r, to thepure all things are pure, but to the unclean all things are unclean,and to the impure all things are impure, and even their very hearts and conficnces are de- filed. And fromhence this (hews that thy foul mull needs be wavering and unftable , like the waves of the Sea , and ftil1 carting up mire anddirt, 'while thou feekeft any re- frefhment in the patterns themfelves,whatfoeverpattern thou canft imitate, or build upon that is made by hands ; and be Pure God dwels not in them ; for faith the Apoílle, be dwels not inTemples made with hands, neither is be w,rfbipped with mens hands, as though he needed any thing : Teeing he gives breath and life, and being, and notion unto all: Whatever Tabernacleor Templeman builds, they are but likeman, they are fading and perifhing, and therepallnot one frone of them be left upon anetber ; but when the foule comes to the true 1 aßembly of the Saints, tofpirits ofjuff men made perfect , to thefpiritual Manna, and to the Heavenly Jerufalem, to the true Tabernacle Jefus Chrift, and eats that Minna that doth not perifh, but is méat indeed, and life indeed , then tis filledandfatisfied,and never before. So that while the foule is feeking after a life, and to get food in the pattern,and fhadew, andformof Heavenly things, it is fure to find nothingbut eniptinelfe, bitterneffe, andva- nity; he (hall be like thehungry man Ifaiah fpeaks of; who dreams and thinks he eates, and when heawakes finds nothing. So theCarnal men they areprayingand reading,andkeeping themfelves ftriE to outward rules, and when they have done, they think they find comfort and refrefhmentby them, and theybreakbread, and they are fpeaking one to another, and think they have confolation by it; but alas, this food will all fail ; thou thinkeft thou haft eaten Chrift, when thouhaft ufed thefe : but when thewrath of God falls upon thy foul, and thou art fummoned to judgement, thou wilt finde therewas no meat to feed thee in thefe things thou ca 1- left Ordinances, nor there is no water in thefeVeffels to quench thy parched foul; for thoughGod of his goodplea- Juregavepatterns of heavenly things, yet they were not thofe P 2 heavenly 107 Ads.7.43 &Ch.17. 24,!25.j Mark. 13. 2. Heb. 12. 23. Efa. 29.8.