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rob Heb.8, s. Heb. 7 s. 27,28. 011.4.74- 1 Cor. 8,14. it Nojournyingfor Ifrael till heavenly things themfelves , but are onely the type and fha- dowofthat divine heavenly Tabernacle, which Goddid pitch, andnot man. And hence it apparently appears, that thepower, life, and the meat anddrinkof a child of God, is onely and alone Jefus Chrift; for he never eats and drinks , nor moves, out of God ; for heeats and drinks , anddoth all in God; and thus he is come to that which is perfect, to the foun- tainof all fulvefs , to theMount that cannot be ,lha(en ; now he is gone over andpatted by all the fimilitudes andfhadows' and patterns, and is come to that livingfountain of the wa- ter of life it felfe , of which whoever drink. ¡ball live for ever, and it fhall be in him a well of water fpringing up to eternal! life. Then this further difcovers tous that the Tabernacle of God is a hidden thing , that the myfleries ofGod in Chrift arecovered fo that the Saints themfelves cannot fee them, except they be given unto them from above ; then much more the natural manperceives not the things ofGod which are fpiritually difcerrned, and Which none of the mennor princes of this world knew; for had they knownhim, they would not bave crucified the Lord of life ; andwhen the world by wifdom knew not God, it pleated the Lord by thefoolifhnef of preaching to fave thófe.that believe : So that I fay, it is even now too true, according as we have a proverb and receiv'd as a Maxim, but fromwhence it arofe I amnot certain ,. that the place of PARADISE doth not now appeare in the earth, no man knows .where it is ; but fure I am that Paradife and place of pleafiire which is the enjoyment of Jefits Chrifl, is vani- fliedand difappears, is gone away, and almoft quite remo- ved from the beholdings ofall the fonnes ofmen. Adam was turned out, and younever hearewhere it is, nor ofany that can defcribe the way to come to it : Even fo is the true knowledge ofJefus Chrift in the myftery; So that the light ofGod, and thefpirituall Manna,, it is a thing that is utterly hidden and removed from all thewifdom and endeavours of any of the Tonnes of men ; and unleffe the Lord him- felfe come forth', and reveale it , and make it manifeff : the wifeft of men in the worlds cileem may doe as thofe wicked