Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Hidden sorcerer,difeovered, I23 away tlris light, and to darken this glory , by their reproa- ches, Flanders, lyes and fcandals : And they will tell you, all this isfalfe light; why ? becaufe it difcovers their Inchant- ments and delufions : And theywill tell you that all thefe prophefies concern other things : they were onely literally ful- filled when the peopleof Ifrael were carried captive into Babylon, and there can be nofilch Myflery in them:And fo for the pronifes,they will tell you, are to be fulfilled externally and litterally ; or at the moil theywill carry out the prophe- fies to be fulfilledonely in the Great Neff iab who was born at Bethlern, and wg s crucitedat Ierufalem , yet indeed know him not. And he that thal1 goe farther then thus, is with them a deceiver : which fenfe is no other then thofe low poore and carnal! thoughts and expeecations which the Jewes hadof him , expe&ing an outward and external! de- liverer, and all things to befulfilled in a litterall way : As if the holy and divine ípirit of the Lord onely buffed it felfe about flaado vs andforms and external worJhippings, 8z bodily .exerczjes,,whichprofit nothing, & carnal ordinances and things of the world , and that he hadnohigher aym then what every one may come to aft and doe : when indeed and in truth his main end is to declare the Kingdom of Heaven, and fet forth the netr Ierufalem , commingdown fromGod out of Rev,2 .2. Heaven, and to thew, that his Kingdom is not of this world, and conuifteth not in meats and drinks, touching, tailing, or Rom,4,i7 handling, or any thing the outwardman can be exercifed in, but that his Kingdom confifis in righteoufneß, andpeace , and joy in the HolyGhoft. Yet forane, yea maß men who pretend very much in the knowledge of Chrifi, yet carry all prophefies of him no higher then his appearing in the fleji, , and therein fay , all Scriptures were fulfilled : As that próphefie here expreft, in the fecond verle ofthis chapter, The virgin of Ifrael is fallen, Amos 5.2 'he (ball no more arife: their forfaken upon her Land, and there is none to raife her up : fòme fay, this concernedrlfraels -captivity, when alilher glory departed from her, and the was flript of all her beautiful attire and virgin rayments, to which it may be applicable I deny not; but that is but in an R 2 Out-