Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Luke. 3..7. 21. Joh. x8.36 John 6.51 Luke 22. 20. John 16.7 The Secret southfayer,or outward, literall, and externall way but the fpirit of God bath a farr higher aym then this, viz. That outward and ex- ternall glory,_when men-truft to that , and profeffe them-- felves to be the Ifrael of God , becaufe of that , then the. Lord threatens that the pride of all their external/ forms (ball all be forfaken, and no man {hall regard them , and there {ball be none to raife them up. And that place inMicah chap.5. verf.2. they fay is the promife of the reftauration of the Church , and that the {hall be reftored and her Rulers. But fome who would feem to goe further , carry it to the high& interpretation , ( as theyconceive) to Jefus Chrift his cemming in theflefh, and they have referred to this place, and cited it in the margin in Matth. 2. 6.Thou Bethlem in the landofJudah art not the leafl among the PrincesofIudah, for out of thee(ball come a Governonr that (hall rule my people If- rael: That in regard hewas the MESSIAH whichwas then born, andgiven to the world, andwas tofuffer, and die, and rife again : All which things are true in a lower and external! fenfe ; but there is more in it then fo, for Chrift is yeflerday and today, and the famefor ever, and his goings forth have, been ofold fromeverlafiing ; and therefore cannot he be limited according to the fhort time he was in the flejh. But Chrift is the fame in all generations, andhe is chiefly manifefted in thefpirit ; and all his words expreífe no leffe; he {till takes our eyes o{fhisfíeJhly appearance, and (ayes his Kingdome is not of this World, andhis Kingdome is within you andhis body is the breadwhich cornmeth down from hea- ven;and the cup which he gives is,7he cup of theNew 7efta- ment in his blood :Tis not the eating the bread made by men, or wine ofgrapes in that which feeds the foule. And fo for Chrifts.death and his going away, there is more in it then his fefhly dying, or the applicationof that : But this is held out, he muff goe away,elfe the Comforter which 'hall lead into all truth, will not come ; His bodily prefence, and our appre- hendingof hisflefhly appearing and fle(hly fiiffering, Hee ha this fence mull depart,' or elfe the Kingdome of God (-anno come upon us , nor the Comfortercome : Touch me not (in this way) for: I am .not . afcended to my Father. And -white ye Conk