Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

12 The Vail Bread over All Nations and Efay 30.1 Màath.21. 3h Ezrk. 7. 19. & 14. 4. ,&c. and good hopes and the like ; and thefe may be efteemed but as thefeet of this Image : others goe higher, and they depend up on things of more worth and ftrength , that feem to be made of Iron, they cloath themfelves with moral vertues, and put confidence in them, and thefe they thinke will defend and fave them : But there arc fotne that goe higher then' all thefe, and they pretend to cloath themfelves with thegarments ofJcfus Chrift himfelfe, and the graces ofthe Spirit, and in thefe they glory: and this gleflers like Gold, but it is not Gold, and theyTeem to have faith, but have not faith, and love, but 'Lis not love, and patience, but fis not patience, &c. And they are no other brit Images and Idols, upon which' many men ( profefliìag Religion, and under theftri&eftformes and fellowfhips ) rely , and fhel- ter themfelves under, and think thefe will defend and pro- tea them from hell and deftruEion, and Gods wrath : thefe things_ river them and cover thewicliedneffe of their hearts, that they cannot fee themfelves how vile they are, how finitly wicked in the fight ofGod; .thefe over themfelves with a covering, but not with the Lords fpirit, Wo be toall fnch ; for thefepoorfouls domolt pitifully and miferablydelude themfelves : thefe inftead of putting on the rich and glorious robe of Chrifts righteoufnefíe , doe cloath themfelves with the ftinkng,loathfome, abominable and divcliflrighte- oufneffe cfman : I, and they preferre it before the excellen- cy of theLord Jefus Chrifl : and 'of aide Chrifl hiinfelfe faith, verily,fuch cannever enter into the Kingdome ofHeaven, but Publicans andHarlots, and the vileft of [inners 'hall enter into the Kingdom , when they (hallbe ikut out. For thefe are thofe that haveput thePlumbline block of their iniquity before their face, as the Lord faith byEzekiel ; and havefet up their Idols in their heart, andyet cime to enquire after the Lord; and thefe men ofall other wil the Lord cut off;thcfe men theLord will anfwer them by himJèlf, andwillfet his- face againft them , and will make a fgne and a proverb above all other, and will cut them offfrom the midit ofhis people Ifrael : Iwilt anfwer them according to themultitude oftheir Idols,fay s God, andwil not be enquired ofat all by'them,for thefe are the rebellious houfe: Thefc