Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Mountain offat things difcovered. 13 Thefe commit thehigheft abominations : Thefe fet up their pofts by the Lords pofis,& their threfholds by his threfhold;which is the higheftiniquitie : Thefe have daubed up a wall with untempered sorter ; they are the Wall ; and the prophets that prophefie peace to them , they are the daubers, and thefow- ers ofpillows under all armholes , that pollute the Lord among hispeoplefor handfulls ofBarly, andforpeices ofBread, thatflay thefòules thatjhouldnot dye, andfave the foules alive thatfhould not live, by their lying to his people that hear and receive their ly'es ; having made the righteous fad , and f rengthened the Ezek. 8. hands of the wicked that he should not returnfrom his wicked way '2. &' 8. by promifing and'hewing him the true way to life. Thefe are E5: 9' thofe ofthe houle ofIf'rael that have fet up the Idols ofjealou- f e in the Chambers of their Imagery, and dig deep and thin&to hide their Counfelsfrom the Lcrol,and thefe are their Idols and their Gods they worship, ferve, rely upon, and facrifice to : Therefore with thefe will the Lord deal infury, bccaufe thefe wipe their mouths and put the branch to their note and pleafe themfelves in their owne Idols, andwith the gods that their own hands have made. Nowmen being thus confident in their own righteouf- nes, and thinking this form , and that duty,and their ftrio walking, Thal deliver &proteo them, and they ailing fecure under this mighty Image, then comes the Stone cut out of the I ,Iiu:Mass:, andbreaks in pieces this glorious Image ; It falls Dan. 2, Upon all their duties, upon all their righteouftiefe, upon 45 all their towers, upon all their Idols, and crufhes them all topeices, breaks in peices thatflately Image made of iron and clay, and brafe, and flyer, and gold, and makes all their high opinions of themfelves become like the chaff upon the fnmmers threfbingftoore that the ,ind.carrieth away. And then they are brought to fee, that all their confidence was but an Idol, an Image, aLye, Vanity, wind, delnfion. And then, and never before,.this littleJionebecomes (in them) a great Mountain, and this fills the whole earth : Man beingOnce difcovered to be, as he is, Vanity, a Lye, fiabe], Confìtfion, Darknefl'e, Hell, Horrour, Mifery, and what not, with all his glorious righteoufneffes , difcovering them to be but rags, lb: a. '3;