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14 The Vailfpreadover All Nations,and Efai.64.6. Mardi.' 6. I 8. Ibid.,. 25 'Con to. 4. Heb. I. 3. rags, and fsilthy rags ; when man is brought really and not in words onely, (for that is part of the Covering) to be nothing but "inns, emptineffe, nothingneffe; then is the work begun, the foundation laid : Thou art Peter, upon this rockmill Ibuild my Church : and the foundation beii.g thus laid, the gates ofHell fhall sever prevails againfl it : theother building was but upon the fand, and cannot withstand when th.train fall and the minds andftorms blow,but thefal ther- ofwill begreat ; but when this work is brought about in the foule, that man is laid low, made nothing, emptied of him- felf : this is a foundation upon whichbuilding, let the rain fall, and the winds blow, and theflorines beat, yet it fhallfiand, becaufe it is founded upon a rock. This rock is onely and alone Jefus Chrifi, that bleffed eternal rockof ages ; upon whom all the Saints from the foundation of theworld to its con- fummation are founded and bottomed, as upon mount Sion, which "hallnever be removed : All the Patriarcks and Pro- phets give tefiimony to this rock ; to him that is the rock of ages, and is thatgreat Mountain that Shall fillthe whaleearth : He that (hall onely raign, and fhall be all in all, whole Kingdome alone fhall be exalted : All the Fathers drank of this rock; as the Apofile faith, a Cor. ic. 4. they were bap- rifed unto Mofes, but they all eat thefame piritual meat,andall did drin&of the fame fpiritual drink; for they drank of that fpiritual rock that followed them, and that rockwas Chri ft. _He -iF that unfpakable glory, power, majefty, eternity, &c.that can never be lift up enough,never able to be unfold- ed nor Set forth by Men and Angels according tohis great- neffe, his goodneffe, his unchangableneffe, his glory, his wifdome and infiniteneie :He is the wonder of ages, the bright- nefÌ of bis Fathers Glory, and the expreß Image of hisperfon : He it is that is fet forth by all creatures , by all Types, Meta- phors, Reprefentations, and yet all come infnitly Short of him. He that once comes into this mountainwe have been (peakingof, he fhall befed with there fat things : there is no attaining thefe high and fat things but in the Lords Mountain ; tis not mans Mountain, nor mans fat things. can feaft us with theft things : but this man (hall be fedand íhall.