Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. vii work with great diligence. He became much admired for his public performan- ces ; and, as his heart was much let upon the acquifition of knowledge, he was very induftrious in reading. Hs was, indeed, the principal life of a fociety of minifters and candidates in thole parts, who, from time to time met, to fpend a day in ufe- ful converfation, and in communicating their fludies ; an excellent defign, and which was carried on for feveral years, not without con - fiderable fuccefs. HE was in great efleem, with the gentle- men of the firft rank in the neighbourhood. The vivacity of his fpirit, true wit, fo correted, as to be perfectly confluent with the gravity of his charaaer ; an exalt pu- rity of manners and good -breeding, recom- mended him to the belt company; and his abilities foon became the fubjet of ge- neral obfervation to his brethren in the mi- niftry. It may be truly Paid, that in the general fynod, which is a very large afI'o- ciation, there was no one more, or as much taken notice of. The greateft refpet was paid him from his firft appearances, as a perfon not only of very uncommon genius, a ¢ but