Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Of Repentance. 6 deed at all tends to, a real amendment. But, S E R M. the mind that grieves after a godly fort dwells III. on the confideration of fin as it is in itfelf, 'J and in the lights wherein the fcripture fets it; it confiders moral evil as an error, as un- becoming the rational nature, as a deviation from the eternal and unchangeable meafures of right, as offenfive to, and difapproved by, the belt of all beings, as ingratitude to a benefaaor who continually loads us with his favours, and exercifes towards us the moft amazing patience and tender compaßïon ; to all which the gofpel adds, that moft powerful motive taken from the death and paffion of Chrift. Our glorious redeemer was, as the prophet fpeaks of him, a man of forrows and acquainted with grief T.; and after a life of deep humiliation, poverty and contempt, endured a moft ignominious and painful death. And, when we . remember that he fuffered and paff through all his fcenes of grief for our fakes, that he might redeem us from all our iniquities, and purify to him - felf a peculiar people zealous of good works * ; and finally bring us to the poffeffion of an eternal reft and bleffednefs in heaven ; when I fay, all this is confidered, it muff be a hard heart that does not relent, that can look to liii. 3. * Titus ii. r¢. him