Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

86 Of Repentance. S E R M. But, if the times of ignorance God winked IV. at, he now command: all men every where to repent ; having publifhed his law of grace and that remedy which his mercy had found out for finners. The kingdom of heaven is come, that new gofpel conflitution wherein the righteofnef of God is revealed from fìcith to faith ; be has declared himfelf merciful to the unrighteoz fnefs of the penitent, and that their fins and tranf r tons he will remember 120 more. That law which is the unaltera- ble rule of right is cleared from the obfcu- rities in which the ignorance and prejudices of men had involved it ; there is a full dif- covery of that which is good and accepta- ble to the Deity, and he has afcertained a glorious reward to them who diligently Peek him. From this general charater of the king- dom of heaven, or of chriftianity, you will fee that it contains very firong motives to re- pentance. The firft I mention, is taken from the hope of fuccefs. This is the great - eft encouragement, and does molt effeEtually determine men to any valuable defign, en- deavours, or purfuit. The end is obtaining the favour of God, which is of fo great mo- ment, that one would think men fhould ex- ert