Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

xxii The PREFACE. to make his heart better, and to work in him a more finifhed refignation to the will of God. Upon occafion of a confiderable difappointment, he writes thus: " A dif- " paffionate temper of fpirit is that only " which will afford me folid peace. When " paffons of any kind prevail, they de- " prive me of comfort, they marr my beft " fervices to God; I go about my duty in " bitternefs, and the heat of my fpirit, " which I have fometimes lately found ; I " ought therefore to fummons all my power " to bear them down. Lord, af3iff me by the " f »irit of power, and of love, and of a " fund mind; and let me ever guard againft vain carnal thoughts, the delufive images " of pleafure, profit, or honour, and againft " difatisfaCtion with my prefent ftate ; all thefe tend to break in upon the fincerity " and tranquillity of my foul. Let me now " put the queflion ; what would I do, if " my circumf }ances were altered, according " to the imaginations that have often amufed me ? I anfwer to myfelf, I would apply myfelf chearfully to my bufineft, " as a chriftian and a minifler, ftudying higher degrees of knowledge, purity, " meeknefs, charity, and every thing vir- " tuous