Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. 11 been for fome years before purfued, of re- quiring fubfcription to the Weminfier con - felon of faith from intrants into the mi- niftry. This gave occafion to his writing a book, containing his reafons againft the im- pofition of fuch fubfcriptions, which has been thought by many, one of the heft books upon that argument. Mr. Haliday lived in very great efteem ; for, as he had much of the gentleman in his behaviour, fo his life and manners were worthy of his character as a minifler. He was a perfon of warm affections, and a very fincere friend. A molt correct preacher, but all his dif- courfes were eafy and plain : The great principles of practical religion were his main topics, and to ferve the true ends of chriftia- nity, his conftant aim. MR. Bruce was a man of uncommon worth, and as uncommon modefty. He had a clear underftanding and found judg- ment. No man could argue with greater force, or fet things in a ftronger, or more convincing light ; fo that his reafoning was often found quite irrefiftible, even when his hearers had been ftrongly and long preju- diced againft the truth. He was a principal cl 2 manager