Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

T46 Of Temperance. SERM. purfuit of more excellent obje ±s, wherein our VI, true perfection and happinefs confifts ; it is v plain thefe inferior appetites were ordained to be in fubje Lion to reafon, and to be gratified within fuch limits as to be confiftent with fu- perior enjoyments, and with the proper exer- ,pion of fuperior powers. What St. James teaches us on this fubject is very evident, * that every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lufl and enticed ; for when lufl conceiveth it bringeth forth fin. The tendency of the carnal mind is to debauchery and luxury, the exceffes directly contrary to the virtue of temperance, and therefore, the fenfual affections ought to be always fo re- ftrained as to avoid thofe extremes. Not only fo, but all thofe immoderate cares, even about lawful enjoyments, which diftipate the vigour of the mind, which diftra t and per- plex, or any way render it unfit for its duty, or for that temper which it ought to have in expectation of Chrift's coming to judgment; for thus our Saviour warns his difciples, 1- Take heed Ie/I at any time your hearts be overcharged with Jin feiting and drunkennefs, and cares of this lift, and Jb that day come upon you unawares. * James i. 14, is fi Luke xxi. 34. To