Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

178 Of Patience. S.ERM. all points as not to find occafion for it in force VII. article or other) yet it is reafonable for us to `'look for trials. We ought to arm ourfelves againfl them, and make it our bufinefs to know how we fhould bear them. Certainly, wifdom requires that a man fhould prepare himfelf for what he cannot help, feeing, if he confiders it at all, to be the common con- dition of men, and almefl inevitable. What I would fir/I of all propofe, in or- der to our underftanding this excellent virtue, are the principles on which it is founded. I mean thofe fentirnents and perfuafions of mind which produce the regular dutiful af- feElions and difpofitions wherein it confifts; for in common with all other chriflian vir- tues, it takes its rife from jufl principles, and is a part of that religion, the univerfal cha- rafter whereof is a reafonable fervice. There may be an indolence or flupidity in force tempers which may be miflaken for patience, becaufe it reflrains, . or rather does not pro- duce thofe violent fymptoms, by which the paßîons and vices contrary to that chriflian grace are difcovered. But let us look into the fprings and examine the principles from which that feeming patience proceeds, for thofe are of effential confederation. He