Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

Of Chrillian Fortitude. 87 Son yefus Chrß have given us exceeding SEUM. great and precious promifes, and the invalua- IV. ble advantage to be obtained by thefe promifes that by them we might be partakers of a divine nature, having efcaped the corruption, that is in the world thro' lull. The apoftle, I fay, having laid this foundation, proceeds to exhort the chriftian Hebrews to ftedfaftnefs and growth in all the chriftian graces ; and we have here fet before us an excellent fum- mary of praaical chriftianity, of thofe things, which, if they be in us and abound, we (hall neither be barren nor unf ruitfùl in the know- ledge of our Lord 7efus Chrj. What is here tranflated, bejides all this, is by very good expofitors underftood to fignify, and for this caul, according to which fenfe the con - nefion is clearer. The glorious benefits which divine grace has beftowed upon us are indeed the ftrongeft motives to diligence in every duty; we fhould therefore labour af- fiduoufly in God's fervice, and in thofe things which tend to the perfection of our nature, becaufe God has brought the bleffed end within our view, and has laid fuch a founda- tion for our hopes and for making our endea- vours fuccefsful. G 4 Two