Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.2

8 8 Of Chr Jian Fortitude,. SERM. Two things I fhall confider in the words IV. now read ; Firfl, that important circum. t-'''') ftance which muff attend every part of our duty, giving all diligence. Secondly, the firft particular which the apoftle exhorts us to add to our faith, and it is virtue. Firfl, let us confider that which muft accompany our whole duty, the manner of performing it, or applying ourfelves to it, giving all diligence. It is not to be confin'd to one point, but runs thro' the whole detail of the chriftian graces which is here given us; give all diligence in virtue, all diligence to at- tain knowledge, all diligence in the exercife of patience, of temperance, of godlinefs, and charity. Diligence in religion is often recom- mended to us by the facred writers. That familiar image under which they defcribe the practice of piety, walking with God, plainly implies it. For, as a man who walks is all in motion, we muft exert the utmoft aftivity of our fouls in that tenor of converfation whereby we would approve ourfelves to God, and maintain fellowfhip with the Father and his Son Je its Clam. The glorious prize of that favour which he fhows to them that love him, is not proftituted to the ineffeEtual wifhes, R