Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

Wfdom the Strength of the Mind. 109 from a wife man, his humility is a great SE R M. part of his religion and his ftrength ; but as IV. in the animal nature a found conftitution and vigor is 'felt by thofe who poffefs it, and it produceth eafe and the more comfortable en- joyment of life, whereas declining ftrength is painful and burthenfome to itfelf; fo the fenfible fruition of it is infeparable from healthful Rate of the mind, that is, efta- blifhed virtue and integrity. Having given this account of ftrength and weaknefs of mind, as they arife from the oppofite caufes of wifdom, or the prevalence of irregular affections and pallions, let us apply it to ourfelves, and enquire carefully into the Rate and temper of our minds. Certainly, the enquiry is of great impor- tance if we have it at heart to know whe- ther wifdom hath enter'd into our fouls, as Solomon fpeaketh, and what meafure of it we have attained. And though to men un- accuftomed to this exercife of communing with their own hearts, as the Pfahnili calleth it, without which there can be no proficien- cy in virtue, it may appear difficult, the diffi- culty is far from being infuperable, if we could but engage ourfelves to a vigorous attention; the objets of enquiry are not diftant remote things, but filch as are known by an inward con