Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

¶he Favour of God obtained by Wifdam. I 35 on, but, as the apoftle faith, Heb. vi. 17, 18. S ER M. Being willing more abundantly to Phew unto V. the heirs of prom fe the immutability of ,his `''Y`' count 1, he confirmed it by an oath ; that by two immutable things, in which it is imp fi- ble for God to lye, we might have flrong con - folation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope fit before us. I (hall now, in conclufion, only make two practical refle ±ions on what hath been laid. Firfl, we may fee what is the nobleft end of life, the worthieft of our affeéions, our choice, and of our molt diligent and conftant endeavours, that we may attain it. If life be in the favour of God, if his loving - kindnefs be better than life, and imports in it fo many and great bleffings, then it is cer- tainly reafonable for us to purfue it by all methods in our power, and in preference to all other things. Men can never be juf- tified to themfelves, nor have inward peace in fuch a wrong choice and courfe of a Lion, as feeking thofe things which are mean and unworthy, in comparifon, and neglecting that which muff appear to themfelves heft. Thus the prophet preffeth finners, and it might be thought any one would eafily apprehend K 4 the