Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

the Fruits of Wifdom. I 6 duet of their fathers, as the Pfalmift obfer- S F x veth, Pfal. xlix. 13. VI. Lfily, We may fee, and ought to ac, knowledge, the wifdom and the bounty of providence, which fo ordereth and difpofeth the affairs of this world, that generally mens intereft doth not interfere with their duty, and they do not expofe themfelves to very great inconveniencies and difadvantages by a ftriet adherence to the practice of virtue.' We are here in a Efate of probation, and muff lay our account with difficulties; yet the affairs of this life are fo ballanced, that we have encouragements to our duty, as well as difcouraging trials, and the former Teem rather, in the whole, to over - ballance the other ; fo that we are not without witneffes of the divine goodnefs, and indeed of the real gain and advantage of goddnefs. $ER-