Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.3

confidered under the Notion of T'Yifdom. 29 a price put in our hands to attain it, let US SE R M, not be of the fools who have no heart to I. purchafe it. This is the unhappy condition of many to whom divine wifdom crieth, and underflanding lifteth up her voice. The im- petuous clamor of their lufts and paffions prevaileth againft the calm voice of reafon ; their depraved affe &ions, indulged, grow up to fuch confirmed vicious habits, as harden their hearts to an utter infenfibility, and a total negle t of wifdom's molt earneft foli- citations. Solomon, in this chapter, repre- fenteth the fatal confequences of this in a very clear and affecting manner ; and with his words I fhall conclude : Wfdom uttereth her voice in the flreets, and crieth in the chief places of concourfe, in the opening of the gates, and in the city ; that is, in the plaineft and moli intelligible manner : But then he adds, in the name of wifdom, Becaufe I called, and ye refufed ; have fet at naught my counfels, and would none of my reproofs- - they hated knowledge, and did not chufe the fear of the Lord ; therefore, fhall they eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. SER-