Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.4

140 Of Chrif ian Liberty. SE R M. croaching on the liberty wherewith Chrift V. hath made his difciples free. This, at leaft, is the opinion of the nonconformifts, and here they reft the defence of their nonconformity. We do not contend, at leaft, our principal de- bate is not about the lawfulnefs or unlawful - nefs, the expediency or inexpediency, of the ufages enjoined by law, as different from our own, in themfelves and abftralIy confidered; whether, for inftance, the pofture of kneel- ing or fitting be better and more proper in receiving the facrament of the Lord's fup- per; whether publick forms of prayer be more eligible and edifying than private compofures ; but whether either fide of thofe and fuch like queftions fhould be de- termined by any human authority, fo as to fix a publick ftandard for all worfhipping focieties, or to exclude all who are other - wife minded from the privileges of chriftian fellowfhip. I hope it doth not offend our fuperiors or our brethren of the eftablifhed church, that we openly avow our fentiments upon the points in difference between them and us. It is the glory of our conflitution that civil liberty flourifheth under it ; but civil liberty can never flourifh, nor the moll: im- portant part of it have a being, where the freedom