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I 2 .3 GENES IS XXIV. and fit was to him a wife, and he loved her : and Ifaak was cornfórted , after his mother way dead: (Annotations. Nto Jaye's] that is,yeeres : fee Gen.18.1 I.He was t now 140 yceres old : for Ifaak his fount was fourty,Gen.z 5.20. and he was borne when Abra- ham, was Ipo.Geu.21.5. Ver.i. the e/deII] or, the Elder: fo the Greeke tranflateth it elder, or ancient , whereby may be meant Gem-new, as the words following doe ex- plaine : for Elder, is an ulttiall name for Gave-now, Gen.5o.7. Num..1 r.16. Ruth.4.2. I Tim 5.17. This in likelihood was his Steward Eliezer, Gen. 15.2, wan' my thigh] a'figne which Iaa- kob alto required of his fon Iofeph, Gen.47.29. eyther ro lignifie fubjeftion, or for a further my- stery of the covenant ofcircumcifion,or rather of Gloria the promilèd feed,who was to come ont of Abrahams ioyns or thigh,as the like phrafe Phew- eth, in Gen.46. z6. of the fouies that came eut of Iaa- kobs thigh: wherefore Abraham and Iaakob make their thighes as holy fagnes , in refpe&t of Gods promife. For otherwife in fwearing,they ufed to lift up the hand towards heaven : fee Gen. s4.22. Hereupon the Greekes have of the Hebrew word lerek, that is, a 7bigb,framed their florks,that is, an oath: even as of the Hebrew lamin,which is the right band, (ufed when oaths were taken , Efay 61.8.) they have formed the Greeke word Om- nuo,to fweare. VerC3.hy Jehovah] by whom alone we are com- manded to fweare,Deut.6.13.TheChaldee faith, by the wardofshe Lord : that is, Chriß : Ioh. i , r. taie Canaanite] or C m/at:iris , as the Greeke tranflateth : fee Gen. o.16, This care Abraham had for his fous wife,lelt by marying with nnbe- leevers,he or his polterity fhould be drawne from God, as the Law faith, Thou fbalt make no marra es with them; thy daughter thon fhall not give tenta his fotone, neither take hie daughter lento thy forme ; for they will turne away thy frise from follertzngme, &e. Dent. 7.3,4. See alto Gen.27 46. Plato a heathen Philo - tòpher divinely (heweth (in his 6 booh3of lanes,) the end of mariage to be,the continuall propaga- tion of mankind", and good education of chil- dren, that leaving childrens children after them, parents may aiwayes have Come as in their owne Itead,to ferre God, and to worfhip him according to the Law.As Ifaak was a type ofChrift,fo in this pro- curing of him a holy wife by his fervant,may be typed the Church, gathered of Saints,by the em- ployment of his minifters, to be the Spoufe of Chrift, For he is compared to a bis degroome, Joh. 3.29. and the Church is the bride the Lambes wife, ' Revel. 21.9i,10. and.theApoftles prepared the Churches for'one hatband, to prefent them apure virgin ro Chriff, 2 Cor.o 1.z, which was not to be of the Canaattices , that figured- the unholy a flout out of ì the Lords houle, Zach. 14. 20. but from Chrifts owne land and kinred,that is, from beaven,born of God from above,Rev.21.2.1 Pet.i.23.1 Verfq. my land] which after is named Mefpota- mia,verCso. where though Idolatry too mach prevailed,(Iof.24.2. Gçn.3I.19.53.) yet not fo much as among the Canaánites,Deut. r 2.3 r. Vcrf.5.Iffo be] or, Peradventure, fo verf 39. foe Gen. s 8.24. goe after] that is, follow, or come with me : fo in ver.8.&c.That which in Mar .2o. is went after him in Mat.4. 22. is written, followed bim. Againe,where one writeth,befollowethnotut, Mar.9.38. another faith , he faporreth not with or, Luke 9.49.that is he accompanieth us not. Verf.6. left thou] or, that thou return not. As A- braham by faith abode in the land of pronaife,fo would he have his fonne, Heb.I 1.9. Verf.7 thy feed] the Chaldee explaineth it , ohy twit : the Greeke , to thee and to thy fed. See Gen. 1.2.7. beire thee] and with thee as in the repe- tition, verf 4o. is expreff-ed : both to lead and to protect. As a prudent wife is of the Lord, Prov. t 9. r Abraham beleeved that the Angels,wha are all minifiring ftiritt, first (Or to miner, far them, wbafhallbebeyresof falvation, Heb.i-.r4.fhould be Pent for affihtance in this bufneffe;which unto ma- ny,feemeth worldly and bafe,but is indeed bonne rable,Heb.I3.4 Verfe fi chare] or innocent : and fo it/abate/of the oath. - Verf.9.his Lord] or maßer;thepillar and fullai- ner of the family : fee Gen. r 5.z. As the Hebrew fsgnifieth Lordand Mailer; fo the Scripture tlfeth theist indifferently:as where one Evangelia faith Lord, Matth.17.4.another faith Mafier,Mar.9.5. Verf. r o.andall the goods]the Greeke tranflateth, andof all the goods of his Lord , with him. This by comparing verf..53. feemeth to be thetrue mean- ing. Mefopotamia] in Hebrew called Arani Naharajim, that is to fay,Aram(or Syria) ofthe toa rivers, it being a country that lay betweene the rivers Euphrates and Tigris ( of Cbidielgl,)wher- of fee Gen.z. r 4. The Chaldee called, it "learn that is by Euphrates. As Mia;raim is in Greeke and other tongues, called .Ægypt, Gen. 12. 10. fo A- ram Naharajim is in Greeke Mefpatatttia, fo called oflyingamieffi the rivers which name the New Teftament alto keepeth, in Ac4.7.z. Afterwards it is called Padan Aram, in Gen.25. 20. Aram, the New Teftament nlually calleth Syria, Mat.4. 14. Aû. s 5.23.41. SeeGen. s o 22. of'Nowhor] where Nachor dwelt, that was Charm, Gen. 28. 2.1 o.Pay which it appeareth that Nachor accom- panied Abraham and Tharah from Vr to Char ran,but no further, Gen. r 1.3 T. So that is called' Chrifts City,wherein he dwelt,Mat.9 I. Verf.I s. w lytele donne] and confequently to reß them ; as the Greeke interpreteth it. Verf.s2.bringintopaf]ar,caufeit tehapppen that is,-give good fwzeffe, or fendite good lucky. The fame word is in Gen.27.2o.and is fpoken of occurren- ces and events that do fall out & offer tlsemfelves unto men,beyond their skil and counfell,through Gods providence, but to us by hap or chance, is the Scripture allo fpeaketh be- ingrepeated by the ferrant, expounded grolle- 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II I2