Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

11.111.1111.11.1 i vï,LHVg&Z/41%/./ SOLOMONS SONG OF SUNS, IN ENGLISH METRE: WITH ANNOTATIONS AND REFERENCES TO OTHER SCRI'PTVRES, FOR THE EASIER VNDERSTANDING OF IT. By HENRY AINS WORTH. P S A L. 45. I1, 12. 11 Heare , 0 daughter , and fee , and bend thine ease : and forget thy people, and thy fathers hou fe. t a And the King will covet thy beauty : for be is thy Lord, and bow -down thy felr so him. E P x s s. 5. 32, 23, 25, z6, 27. 32 Thu is a great mylíerie: but I ffieak concerning Chrfi and concerning the Church. 23 - Chrift is the head of the Church: and he is the Saviour of the body. 2 5 - Cbrifi aye loved the Church , andgave himfel/i far it : 26 That he might f o(i:fre and eleanfe it with the wafing of mater by the Word : 27 That he might patent it to bimfelfè a glariotu Church, not having fßot or wrinkle, or an) fach thing : but that it fhould be holy and without blemifb. LONDON, Imprinted in the yeere 1639. IPME11111111111M 1W1HI11// r"---'