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GEN,E sIS XXVIII 105 5 And Ifaakfent -away Jakob, and he went to I PadanAram unto Laban fon of Bethuel, the Syrian ; the brother of Rebekah,mother of 6 Jakob and Efau. And Efau taw, that If ,ak had bleffed Jakob ; and tent him to Pada . Aram,to take unto him a wife from thence when he bleffed him, andcommanded him, Paying ; thou [halt not take a wife, of the 7 daughters of Canaan.And Jakob had obeied his tather and his mother : and was gone to 8 Padan Aram.And Efau faw,that the daugh- ters of Canaan were evil! in the eyes of Ifaak 9 his father. Then went Efau, unto IGnael and took Machalath daughter of Ifmael, fon of Abraham, the fitter of Nebajoth, unto his wives, to him to wife. In And Jacob went-forth, from Beerfheba : II and went b Charran, And he lighted upon a place,& tarried there all night,becaufe the funne was gone-downe; and he tooke of the ftones of the place,and pus for the pillowes : 12 and lay-downe, in that place. And he drea- med,and behold aladder fet-up on the earth, and the head of it, reaching to the heavens and behold the Angels of God, attending 13 and defcending on it. And behold Jehovah was finding above it,and faid;IJehovah the God of Abraham thy father,and the God of Ifaak : the land, that whichthou lyeft upen, 14 to thee will I give it,and to thy feed.And thy feed (hall be, as the duff of the earth ; and thou (halt fpread- abroad, to the lea, and to the Eaft,and to the North and to the South: ' and bleffed (hall be iathee,all families of the 15 earth, and in thy feed. And behold I will le with thee,and will keepe thee,in al1(the may) that thou /halt goe, and will return thee a- gaine, unto this land : for I will not leave thee, until! that I have done, that which I 16 have fpoken unto thee. And Jakob awaked, out of his fleepe; and he faid,furely Jehovah 17 is, in this place : and I, knew it not. And he feared, and faid; how fearful!, is this place this is no other, but the houfe of God ; and t 8 this is the gate of heavens. And Jakob rofc- up early in the morning; and took the Hone, that he had put fer his pillowes;and Pet itfor a pillar : and he poured oile, upon the head 19 thereof. And hee called the name of that place, Bethel : but Luz mad the name of the a o city, at the [sift. And Jakob vowed a vow, laying: If God; will be with nice : and will keepe me in this way, which I am going ; and will give me bread to ear, and rayment a ,to put on, And I return in peace, unto my fathers houfe : and Jehovah (hail be to me a God. And this (tone, which I Itive fet fora 22 pillar; fhall be,the houfe of God: acid of all, that thou (halt give to me; I will tithitig give the-tenth unto thee. Annotations. BLefd him] God hereby confirmed Iakbs I tàith, againft doubts and feares, both of things paft and to come, while his father now wittingly and willingly bleffeth him , and com= £orteth him against future troubles, that might . befall him in his pilgrimage. The Hebrew Do- ors fay, Better is the end ofa thing, then the begimting. thereof, (Ecclef: 7. 8.) the frli Melling: wherewith Ifaak blefJid Jakob, were of the dew t ieaven, and carne of the earth, Gen.'27. 18. the after blefngs, were Lief - fettgs that bad an eternall foundation, and had no end of them, either in tine world, or in the world to come at it it written, And God almiihtie b/ef/i thee, (( en. 28, 3. 4.) and addeth moreover unto him, the blefftngofA.' brahant : Pukes R. Eliezer, chap3 i Verf. 2. Padan Aram] or Mefapotamia, as the = Greeke turneth it : fo verf.5,6. &c. See the notes. on Gen. 25. ao. awife] The like care Abra- ham tooke , to provide a wife for Ifaak , Gen. 24. But there , fervants were Cent with camels, and (tore of good things : here the Come himfelfe is Cent on foot in poore eftate, with his f affe, -Gen. 31. to. CO frve f r a wife, Hof. 12. 12. So great was the trial! of Iakbs faith in this his piigri -' mage, greater then all his fathers : and upon his', inheriting of the blelfing, there followed prc- fently great afiftions. - VerC. 3. Almightie] or Alfrrficien , fee Gen. r 7. t. 13 at, of mbly] or; Church, congregation, tompanir, that is, a multitude of peoples, as Ezek.23.a4. The' Greek trauflateth it SynagogueJ(or affdmblieJ) ofna -'; [ions, and the Ghaldee, an aembly of tribes: re pc&- i bigthe twelve tribes that came of Lrkob, Exo.24. 4. This bleffing, God promifed at Bethel to per -, forme unto Iakb, Gen. 48.3,4 & 35.1 1. Verf4.bleffmgofAbraham] which chiefly con- 4 filled in redemptiomfrom the curik of the i 1w, by forgiveneffe of fins, and-receiving the p ram; :e of the Spirit (of the adoption ofchildren, and fanftification) through faith in Chrift, í;a1.3.13, 14.9.29. Rom.4. 7,8. 1_3. &c. Here 7aksh is made heire,of the blelGng : to are all true Cisrittiaas, 1. Pet. 3.9. of thy fojonrnings] wherein thou arc a fojonrner and pilgrim the land of C.maan. Sec Gen. 17. 8. gave to Abraham] to weet, by pro- miCe : of this gift, free Gen. 12.7. mad 13:15. and 15.7.18. and 17. 8. Vert 5.Syrian] lb the Greek nasally tranflatet is it, which the New Teltament followteh, Luke a.. 27. The Hebr. is. the Awm;te: fee Gen. ro.2 Z. Vert. 8. ezill,] that is, diflearng , grievous e C Gen. 48. 17. on the contrary,gsod, is for pie. fn Gen. 16. 6, 8. Verf 9. Ifmael] that is, Ifinaels fom'ily, or the If ? 'ï ne e'zter