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An boil of An®els, GENES is XXXI l. Jakob wra(tleth. 119 I 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 IO 12 13 14 IS CHAP. XXXII. 1. Iakb mecteth an hell of Anger. 3, Hee feadeth a meJfage to Efatl. 6, Hearing of Efatu eomming, Fee if affra d, 9, andprayed, far deliverance. t 3, He fen-. detti a prefent to Efau. 24, He mrafilerb with an An- gel,and will have a ble fling of hiìn. 28, Thereupon hit name it called Ifrael, 30, the place itcalledPerriel;f 31, /and Iakob halteth. ANd Jakob went on his way : and the Angels of God,met him. And Jakob faid,when he faw them; This is Gods hoff : and he called the name of that place,Macha. naim. AND JAKOB SE N T meffengers, before him ; to Efau,his brother : unto the land ofSeir, the field ofEdom. And he commanded them, fay ing ; Thus Thall yee fay,to my Lord,to Efau : thus faith thy let- yarn Jakob ; I have fojourned with Laban; and taried until! now. And I have, oxen and affes;flockes,and men - fervants and women- fervants : and J have fenr, to tell my Lord : to findegrace in thine ryes. And the mef- fengers returned unto Jakob, laying : wee, came to thy brother,to Efau ; and alto he is comming to meet thee, and foure hundred men with him. And Jakob feared greatly, and was diftretfed : and he divided the peo- ple that was with him ; and the ftockes, and the herds, and the camels, into two compa- nies. And he faid; If Efau come to the one companie, and imiteit: yet the companie . that is left, (hall efcape. And Jakob faid; O God, of my Father Abraham; and God, of my Father Ifaak : Jehovah,that faideft unto me, Returne unto thy land, and to thy kin- dred, and I will doe thee good. Iam lefle then all the mercies , and then all the truth, which thou haft done unto thy fervant : for with my ftaffe,I paired over this Jordan;and now I am become two companïes. Deliver mee, I pray thee, from the hand of my bro- ther,from the hand of Efau : for I,feare him, left he will come and finite me ; the mother with the fonnes. And thou faideft , doing good,I will doe thee good : and will put thy feed, as the fand of the fea; which thatl not bee numbred , for multitude. And hee lodged there; the fame night : and tooke of that which came into his hand,a prefent,for Efau his brother. Two hundred thee-goats, and twentie hee -goats : two hundred ewes, and twenty rammes., Thirty milch camels, and their yong -ones: forty fhe- bullockk,and ten hee- bullocks, twentie fhee- affes, and ten heeaffe- colts. And hee gavethem,into 16 the hand of his fervants; every herd by it . felfe alp ne : and Paid unto his fervants, paffe over before mee ; and pur a fpace between herd and herd.And he commanded the fitti, 27 laying ; w hen Efau my brother Ibali meet thee, and (hall aske thee, Paying ; whole art thou, and whither goeft thou ; and whofe are thefe before thee e Then thou fhait fay, ( they 6e) thy fervant Jacobs; it is a prefent fent to my Lord,to Efau: and behold ;,hee alto, is behinde us. And hee commanded alto the fecond , and the.third, and all that went after the herds , flying according to this fpeech,fhall ye fpeake unto Efau; when you finde him. And ye fhall fay alfo,Behold thy fervant Jakob is behinde us : for hee Card, I will appeafe his face, withthe prefent that goeth before me ; and afterward, l will fee his face;peradventure,he will accept my face. And the prefent paffed-over before 2 t his face : and himfelfe, lodged that night, in the companie. And hee rote up that night, and tooke his two wives, and his two hand - maydes; and his eleven children : and bee paffed over the foord Jabbok. And hee 23 tooke them , and caufed them to paffe over the brooke: and caufed to paffe over , that which hee had. And Jakob was left, him- felfe alone : and there wraftled a man with him, until) the riling-up of the morning; And hee faw that hee prevailed not againft him;and he touched the hollow of his thigh: and the hollow of Jakobs thigh was out of joynt,as hewraftled with him. And he laid, let me goe; for the morning rifeth-up : and hee fayd ; I will not let thee goe, except thou bleffe mee. And hee fayd unto him, what is thy name a and he faid,Jakob. Aid, he fayd, thy name (hall not bee called any more , Jakob ; but Ifrael: for as -a- Prince haft- thou-power with God, and with men, and haft prevayled. And Jakob asked; and faid, Tell me I pray thee thy name; and hee faid, wherefore is ir, that thou askeft for my name e And hee bleffed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place, Peniel for I have feene God face to face ; and my foule is delivered. And the Sunne arofe un- 31 to him, as hee paffed over Penuel : and hee halted upon his thigh. Therfore the fonnes of Ifrael eat not, of the finew that fhranke; which is upon the hollow of the thigh; unto this day : becaufe he touched the hollow of Jakobs thigh; in the finew that Ihranke. Anna- 18 19 20 22 25 26 27 28 29 39 32