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12,8 5 7 8 .9 Io II GENES I S XXXV, and mbar f ever is made fir the fame. Andit isforbidden (hy Dent. 7.26.) to have any . fe (or pr ft)1y any of theft stoke. llfaimorytreat. of Idnlatryy.c,7.S.t.2. the oke] or , as theGreeke and"Chaldee doe tranflate it , the 7erebinth, (or.urpemine tree) the tree under which afterwards Iopea let up a ltone for a witnelfe, when having denied the people of their idols , he made a covenant with them and gave them a Law in Secbem Iof24.23, z 5.26, There allo he hid them from the knowledge of his fa- mily,ander an oke, that they might not eafily bee found : okesend other trees being confecrated in thofe times to religious ufes, and therefore flood longun£elled. Deut,t2.z. feeGen,21.33. Vndèr, fuch alfo, they fonletimes buried the dead, as af- ter in verfe 8. The Greeke verfion here addeth, IaIob hidthem under the 7erebintb tree in Secbem , and abolifhed them unto this day. Verf. 5. they journeyed] theGreeke explaineth it , And *met removedfrom Seehern. terror of God] that is, a mighty terror font of God upon the cities. The Chaldee faith a terror from before the Lord. Ot herwife all the cities roundabout,would and eafily might have deflroyed Iakobs family, for the mail-acre done at Sechen,. Verf.7. Bethel] that is,the God of Betbel,before he called it Betbel,that is, Godrboufe,Gen.28.19. now for addition of graces fromGod, bee addesh to the name, calling the place God,figu atively,as be, ing his hassle. The like is in Exod, t 7. t 5. woo revealed] or, mere revealed, that is,didappeare in more manitèft fort. Here againe a word plurall, isjoyned with the name of God, tofignifie the myfterie of the Trinity in the unity of thegod- head : fee the notes on Gen. 20.13. The Greeke tranflateth it fingularly, war revealed (or did ap- peare : ) -fo alto doth the Chaldee fave that for God, it faith the Angell of God. Verfe 8. nurfe] lent with her from her fathers honk, Gen.24.5 9. How the came to be in !4I's family,is uncertaine t the Iewes fay, (he was lent to call Iakob home, as was promifed in Gen. 27. 45 Sl ce might alto come thither upon other oc- cafion, after Rebeldahs death. The óáe of weeping] Hehr. AUon Bomb : this naine fheweth his griefe, for the death of this matron; the place alto be- ing the fafeft and moll honorable that there bee could have for filch a purpofe ; fee the notes on v.4. & on Gen.z3.2. The Chaldee paraphraft, for Oke, tranflateth the Plaine(or valley) of weeping. But theGreeke turneth it an Oke: and fo doth the le- rufalemy T hargum. See alloGen.12,6. Verf..9.agaim] the Gr. addeth in Luz: where he had appeared to himbefore,Gen.z 8, t 1.12.19 Verli o. If ael] the name given him before of the Angel, is here againe.given and confirmed of God: for the ftrengthning of I labs faith,and at: finance of Gods grace unto him.See Gen.3 2.28. Verfe t t. Almighty] or Al fnficient : fee Gen. 17.1. TheGr. tranflateth it,tby God an aff m- bly] or company,ehureh f nations: the Chaldee faith, an afmbly of tribes.Herc God confirnteth the blef- fing given to Iakob by his father Ifaalel and ampli- fieth it,feeGen.28, 3. and 48.3.4. Kings] the Chaldee addeth; that /hall rule over the peoples: thus God giveth him the biding of Abraham,Gen.28. 4. and 17.6. Verf, t 2.and]or,that is to tbyfeed: fee Gen. t 3,15. the Chaldee explaineth it , and thy forams, the Greeke addeth through their generations. Verf. 13. God] the Chaldee faith, theglory of the Lord: meaning the vifion which now appeared unto Iakob, See Gen. i 7.2 2. Verf. 14. fet up] this heehad done before, and now repeateth it : or as is likely, being ruinated, he new repaareth it,fee Gen. 28. 18, dri4e ffring] or, a pouredeut- offring, ane Mice;: ufitally called a drink offrirg, berauiè it was wily of liquors or moil{ things as the Minchah or meat-offering was of dry. And this d zvke-offring by the law of God was of wine, or Seehax, Exod.29.4o. Ntsmb.28.7. among the hcatheni fometime of bleod,Pfal.16.4. yk]to confecrate it,feeGen.28,18. Vert: 15. Bethel, that is, Gods houfe: fee Gen.28. 19. Thus he renewed the memorial' of his faith and thankfulneffeto God as God did before of his promi Lis to him, verfe 1o.í1.12.. Verf. 16. th y joueneyed] theGreeke verfion ad- deth, Iakobjourneiedfrom Bethel, and pitched his tent beyond the tower of Gadrr : borrowing thefe words fromthe 21 verfe a little peece] or, abano a mile, as the Chaldee paraphrafe explaineth it. This word is fo tired alfo in Gen.48.7.2 Kin.5.19.and not elfewhere. Ephrath] a towne called ufu- ally,Betbkhem,that is,7he loufe of Bread, v.19.fome thinke it to have the name Ephrath of Caleb,. wife fo called , t Chron.z.i 9.23. Jt bath both names inMic. 5.2. Bethlehem Ephrata: there Chrift was borne.Matt.z. t . the bread of God that came from boa- ven,Joh.6.33. badhardcbilathirtb]Hebrewfhee was hard in her child-bearing: that is , had fore and painfnll labour. According to the chaflifement layd on Eve andher daughters , Gen. 3.16. It is daily to be feene, and the Philofopher obferveth it, that MI creature fullreth fuck/Wong pains in trazell, at woman ebb, (Arifot. de Animal. I. 7. ) notwith- ftanditgfie fall be faxed in child- bearing, if they conti- nue in faith, &c. Verle 17. mitt wife] named in Hebrew, of hel- ping the woman inchild- birth: fo Exod. t. t 5,16. than /halt have]or, ebb alto (/hall be) to thee atonne : ay Ìofepb before was. And this was according to Rachel defire; fee Gen.3o.24.. Verle 18 departing] or going- out,from the body to God that gave it, as Ecclefl i 2.7. Pfal,i 1.6.4. This tiseweth the Soule of man to be a fpirituall immortall lubftance, diltin& from the body.The heathens acknowledged this, laying, that death h nothing eft but the departing of the f ule from the body. Ariflot. in his booke of Death : and that the fwsles of men are divine , and when they gee met of the body , they return unto heaven : Cicero lib. de `Amicit. Ben -oui] the Greeke and Chaldee interpret it, Semisoft my faun,. In that the anlwered nothing, but thus named her fon; it fheweth the received no comfort.The like cafewas in t Sani.4o.20.21 The word oui, is after tired by Ierkeb for hispain- full firength: Gen.493 Benjamin] that is, Son of the la 13 14 15 16 17 l8 A/41v/AM/// i