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GENESIS XXXVI-í. 135 aplace alaaut 8aariles from Set.I.0 an chittowne seas Elizeus.the ,Praphet, 2 King.... 3. 18 A!erd r8. waft:gyco/0),, d] 'oraralignantly, as the Greeks traeflationfaith. This ward is alfa tired an.P.fa.t oá.25. andNum.25 .1 8.of che Egyptians andMadianites, craftily plotting avian theif- sashces .Sothehusbandnrontonlpired the death of the Sonne of God, Ltìk,.ss. this is the babe, Lome _let 241kilhhim. 19 Vert: z 9. mailer of dreams] this they Jfpeake in anockage: the Greek tratuilaneth it,a drtamer.The Hebrew phraCe neeaneth one that hathgreat skill in dreanaing,orr asap :.s e4reapmr: as his brethren, are after called maffers of arrorres , that is, cunning archers, for their malicious praStifes againft him, Gen.49.2 3. and a mailer of anger is an angry fuiotta man,Prov.z2.24.arrd 29.32;, 20 Verf. zo.oneoftbt pits] or, fire pit; this fetteth forth their inhumane cruelty, that would kill their brother, and not vouchsafe him honeA bu- rial!: to whirl they next adde,a lye to di tremble their murder; and a contempt of the Oracles bf God , which they fought and thought to de- feat. So running headlong together,into a world ofwickednelfe : envie carrying them, Açts 7. 9. 'Gen. 49.23. 21. deiieered him] toWcet, in refpea of death which they intended againtt him. in fettle] that is , fat to take away bit l fe : finite himdead. A like phrale is in Jerem.4o.14. Deut.a 9.6.1 i,for which in Numb.35.11.1 5. is Paid, to fmne a Pale; fo alto in Lev.24. t 7,18.wherc fink, is put for the life of man or beaít. See Gen.' 9.t7.Smiting is ufcd for giiing,tïen. 4. t 5. 2 2 Verf 22. that] or,ta the end that. The Grecke ad.. deth, for he fought,tbat be mighx deliver him. It appea- reth by Gen. 42.22. that Reuben exhorted them to more then they would yeeld unto. 23 ! Verf.23, f trip/ I f pb] fo Jefus alfawas {tripped by the wit ked,Math. 27.28. Here Jofeph, in the anguith of his lònle, befought his brethren , kr favottr, but they would not hearts hint, Genet. 4z.2 i. 24 Verf.24. NO water] into filch a dungeon was Je- remie put,Ier.38.6.and ont offuch a pit in figure God delivereth his people, as Zacharie 9.11. I have flee forth tby prifiners, out of the pit, ;therein it naWater. 25 I Verfz 5. ecos ¡oread] fo doe the wicked, eating Gods people, Pfal.15.4. This fheweth they wan- ted temorfe,or fought (at lealt) to put it away with banquetting,as eating el bread fometime fig- nifieth,Exod.18.1z. See al fo Gen. 25.34. way- faring- company of Ifmaelites] the Greek tranflateth, wayfaring Ifmadites,and the Chaldee calleth then} troupe of Arabians. After in verre 28. they are cal - led Madienites,and in verf.36. Medaites; fo they were a mixe people., dwelling in that countrey, called therefore by the Chaldee Arabians, which fignifieth minédpeopia lee Gilead] which was a place of nierchandife, as appeareth alto in Jer.8.2z. and 22.6.and 46.1i. fpieerie] in Hebrew Necotb, which is thought to be a cer- taine fruit offome, maze. bum] or, rafts, as 2I the Greeketranflateth it : a thing good to Seale wounds, Ierc.8.22. and 46..41. and 51.8. myrrh] or Ladanum, which is a fat moifture on the herb Ladum,or,the fruit of the Lot tree,according to the Hebrew mame,Lot. So Gen.43. t I. Or accor- dirg to the Greek Stolle, (commonly called Sta- n= lrq/tdda) which is made of the fat of new myrrh, as Ztiofeoridesfaith in b.t. c.62. V.26s onceah ]or,civer,(lhide)hisblaod,Job 16.18. Ver.27.hear1tluod] or, heard, and fo confented,and Verf.28. Midianites] children of Midian Abra- hamsdonneby Ketnrah,Gen.25.2. who dwelt in theifmaelives countrey,(which alto were Abra' I- .hangs children by Hagar, Gen. 16. 15. therefore they are here sailed by both names. So- in3udg. S. 22,245 26. It may allo bee tranflared thus, And the men, the Midianite merchants, paffèd by. fhehe/s] or fbilliftga: this word the Chaidceex- prefreth, which wanteth in the Hebrew. What a fheáel/was, fee noted onGenef. 20 16. Chrifts price was a little more,whom Judas Ifcariot kid for thirty fhekels,Mat.s7.3. yet that was but the price of a Raves Ilfe,Exod 21.32. Here Jofeph is by theroîifell of his brother Judas the Patriarch fold for a have, Pal. 105.t7. for twentie fhekels. After by the laW , mens perforas of Jofephs age, were in cafe of vowes,valued at ewemy ff ekela, Lev. 27.5. hat ,thofe were fheltels of the Sanetuary, double the value of common shekels. The He- brew DoEtors referre unto this , that threat nii agalnf Ifraekbecauf thy f Iel the juf acre for flver,anc thepodre for a paire áf fhooes, Autos 2.6. and they feigne,t (vat of the zo fbekels, every of the ten Pa- triarchs had two fbekels, witty fhooes. *t their feetPir- k!i R. Eidez. ch. 38. V.29.rene his clothes]a figne of forro*,& renting 129 of the heart with grief,Ioel 2.13. So Jakob did,v. 34.and others,Iob 2.1 2. Gen.44.13.Nnm.14.6. Vert: hot] toweet,alte: fo hee thought; 30 and fo the phrife flgnifieth,Ier.; r. z 5.for he fcip- poCed,his brethren had killed him: as verf.2o. I VerC.3 t.a kïd]or,goat- biteke. By this pellicle, 31 j Jacob lhauld fuppole his bonne was dead, and make no further inquttie after him. Ver.33. i, torne n tocote] or tearing is torus that is 13 fuell,tortee: the Chaldee laith,killed. This is added to all Jakobs former forrowes, & one of the molt grievous;for which he admitted no comfort,verC 35.Ifaak;alfowas yet alive, and apartaker of his tòn Jaleobs griefc.See the notes on Gen.3 5.29. I Ver.34, frekckth] another ligne of fort ow,with 34 which they fortieth= added earth or aflies upon their heads, 2 Sant.3. 31. t King. 21.27. Nehen,. 9. 1. Ell1.4. r. Verf.. 35. all his finger] the ev ill doers counter- 35 kit forroW,and conceale their cruell faa,Reuben himfelfc alto keeper!) counfell.Thc Rabhines fay,, they bad boned themflves by a eurfè, not to bereray it. R. Eliezer, per 38. to hell] or, to the grate : the word nseaneth not the grave digged or made with hands, named inHebrew, ,Keber; but the common place,or flateofdentb,here called in Hebr. Sheet ; which bath the fignl&cation of craving, or N 2 requiring, z6 27 28 1