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ti %////I//AN'l[; 1 !!! %%///L/ 154 i Irael is lent for. 2 24 GENESIS XLV. them hee gave, to each man changes of gar- ments: and to $rnjamin hegave,three hun- dred (Jüekels) of fiver; and five changes of garments. And to his father , her fent after this manner, tenne he-affes; carying of the good things of Egypt : and tenne the-afles, varying corne and bread,and viduals for his father , by the way. And hee Pent away his brethren,and they departed.: and he raid un- to them , be not furred (oneagainfi another) zl by the way. And they went-up out of E- gypt : and came to the land of Canaan ;unto 26 lakob their father. And they told him, lay- ing ; Iofeph is yet alive; and that heeis.ruler over all the land of Egypt:and hisheart fain- ted , for bee beleeved them not. And they fpake unto him , all the words of Iofeph, which he had fpoken unto them;md he law thewagons, which Jofeph had fent, to cary him : and the fpirit of Iakob their father re- vived. And Ifrael Paid; it is enough, Jofeph my forme is yet alive : I will goe and fee him before I dye.'f Annotations. RFfeaine] or contain himfelfe by fare , from cry- ing out and manifeftiug himfelfe, as hither- to he had done, Gen.43.3 r. This word,the Pro- phet applyeth alfo'unto God, who having long ree rained himfelfe in the aflliftions of his people; will in the end for their deliverance, cry out like a travelling woman, &c: Efa.42.14. Verf. 2. gaze forth hit zyce ] that is, cried - alma. An Hebrew- manner of (peaking often ufed, as Numb. 14.1 2 Chro i. 24.9. P131. 46.7. and 68. 34. & 77.18. So thellreeke, He Jim forthbiovoyce with wetping. Verf. 3. fuddenly troubled] or apppalled with fear., and holly troubled thoughts. Occafioned by the confcience of their former wickedneffe , and the beholding of Iofephs perlent glory. So when the fpirit of grace (hall bee powred upon the Ifrae- lites, they (hall fee Ielus whom they hazepierced; and (Pall milieufor him, &c. Zach,12.10. Rev., .7. Verf4, be whom] Iiebr. me: which word either may be omitted (as that ohferved on Gen.5.29.) or expreffed in Englifh,be: added for vehemencie fake and to afire his brethren,that he was Iofeph. Verf p. anger] or difp/eafuregriefe, as Gen. 45. that is bee not angry (or difpleafed) with your fhes. Hee would have them moderate the forrow for their finne,with confederation of Cods provi- dence,that turned it unto good.The Greek tran- flateth , let it not feeme badeontoyou. Here Jofeph is farce from revenge,or iululting agaiüli his troub- led brethren: fo Chrift prayed for his crucifiera, Luke 25.34. and by his Apofiles comforted then with hope of the blotting ont of their finnes, when the times (ref efh ing fhedldawe from theptefence of the Lord, AEt. 27 28 2 3 4 ~S Verf.6. eating] that is, plougbing, or tillage ofthe 6 land : the Chaldee faith, föwing. This feemeth to be for lack of of corne,which therefore in the left yeere, Iofeph fupplied, Gen. 47.23. Verf .7. to put fir you a remnant] that is, to pref rze for (or uaro)you, a remainder , that you and yours might rentam a alive. The contrary whereof is in z Sam. t 4.7. The Greeke tranflateth, that there might be left untoyou a remnant. to preferve-life untoyou] that is , to k epe yea andyours alive. Or, to preferve alive unto you : as the Greeke turneth it, to nourtfb up of you agreat remnant. by agreat tfa- ping]or,evafon, that is, by a great deliverance or, faccording to 'the 'Greeke interpretation) by eat multitude that-efape : having refpeEt to the great multiplication of them in Egypt accor- ding to Gods promife,Gen.15 a3.14. The He- brew eflaping or evafan, is ufed for a company or remnant thatefcapedanger, 2 Chron.3o.6. Efa. 10.20. as eaptivitie , is a company of captives; Numb.21.1. Dent. at. i o.) and f the Greeke here tranflateth it a remnant. Verf. 8. but God] whole wifedome and provi- dence ruleth all , and his goodnefTe turneth the evill allions of men, oftentimes to good events : therefore Is this afcribed to G O D rather then to them, Gen. 50.20. Pfal. s o g .17. So Herod and Pontius Pi /ate, with the Gentiles and the people of Ifad did again(} Iefus, whatfoever Gods hand, and his coanfell determined before to bee done , Att. 4. 27. 2 g. put me f r] or, as the Greeke explaineth it, made me a a father; fo, acknowledging God to be his exalter, as he bad beene his aflifter. Afatber, is ufed for any teacher , guide, couneellor &e. Iudg. 17.10.11. Verfio. Gallen] inGreeke Gefem: a province in the land of Egypt, fat and fertile, good for to feed cattell, lying next to the land of Canaan : feeGen.46.28.29. and Verf. 11. impozer hed] Greeke Lorne-out : that is, perifh aitb poverty. thy boufe that is, houfhold: in Greeke, thy farces. Verf 12. ny mirth] and not an interpreter, as did before, Gen. 4 2.23. for an interpreter is an mans month, Exod.4.16. The Chaldee faith; inyour tongue Ifpeake reithyvu. Verle 14. wept] through joyfnll pafflon of mind. Sec Gen.2 11. Verf. 15. fpakg} -being refrefhed by his words, from their- amazed feare , which keepcth men front fpeaking,Pfal.77.5. By fpeakingniay allo be implied theconfeffion of their irnre,and Scare for the fame.So Mofes fpake, Exod.19.19.that it, ac- knowledged his "(care and inlürmity,Eleb. r 2.21. Verf. r 6. the voice] that is, the fame, or rumour of this thing. good in theeyes] that is,pleafng:they 16 liked well of it. See Gen.,i 6.6. The Greek here tranflateth, Pharaoh sr glad. Verf.18. Tour knifes] that is,yaurbeufho /ds: as v. a 1. the Chaldee faith, themen of your boufes : the t;reekn ,y our goods. the good] that is, the good things : the Greekeaddeth, of all thegcod things. So after in vrle 20. & 23. the ffat ] the Chal- dee tranflateth,thegoed, the Greek,tbe marrow:that is, 7 8 Io El I2 14 15 18 .urirr® .__...'gil_.... --