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GENESIS I. tbretze, ECa.66.1. and fometime put for God him - lèlfe, D.m.4.26. and the kingdom of heaven is ex- pounded the kingdom of God, Matth.i t'.11. and 13.11. with Luke 7.28. and 8. t o. And the Evan - gclifts exprelfe it in Greeke , Heaven, or Heavens, indifferently, Luke 6.23. withMat.5.12. 9 Verf 9. begatbered,] or flow together, as with in- tent to an expeíted place. This Hebrew word, is utèd onely for the gathering together of men, and of waters. to one place:] which is, the Ocean, or main Sea, from which manyarmes of Seas are derived. Or, each to his feverall place. Hereby all the face of the earth is no longer co- vered with waters , as till this third day it was, the watersllanding above the mountaines,Pl á.1o4.6. So now , all rivers vet into the Sea, their common receptacle, Eccles. 1.7. it was fi.] At Gods rebuke, the waters fled, at the voice of bis thunder, they hafiedaway, to the place which he bad founded for ,,them , Psalm. 104.7, 8. And beeps: thedeepes into treafuries, Pfal. 49.7. (as appeareth by the waters fprings,that come out of the bowels of the earth Job 28 4.1o.) and heshut up the Sea with doores,and ft barrer, and fail, Hitherto usait thou come, but no further, Job 38. 8, 10, it. and fo the earth is resi- ded upon the fear, andflablifbed upon the rivers, Psalm. 24.2. the waters which wereabove, are put be. neath; and men are laid to gee damne (not up) to the Sea in Jl ipr, Plàl. 1 07.23. 1 o Verf. la. Earth: ] fo named of the Hebrew, a4 rets : which iniplieth a thing trod and run up- on by the creatures on it , and heavenly orbes a- bout it.The fame word,Cpoken of particular pla- ces,we Englith, land : as tbe land (or earth ) of Ca- naan,Gen. t 2.5. The earth is the milli or centre of the world, and found in forme, as a globe or circle, El'ae4o.22. It is laid to be founded on her ha- fts, (even strong foundations,Mic.6.2.) that itfha1 never be moved, P Cal ,104.5. and y et it hangeth upon nothing, Jab 26.7. Seas :]thatis, each place where waters are gathered together, is called a Sea. Wherefore not onely the naine Ocean, but other lakes and pooles, yea & greater velfels that hold waters,arecalled feat :as the brafcn fea which UMW made for the Priests to wafh in, contein- ing 3000. bathes of water, 2 Chro.4.2,75 k. So that which oneEvangelist talleth a lake,Luk.8.33 a ".otltér cal loth, a Sea, Matth. 8.32. And Seas, (in Hebrew, lamim) are named of An'ajinr,waters, and of the tumultuous noire which they make.Wher -. upon theProphets apply the name of waters and feat, to troubles and troublefome peoples, Jer.51. 42. Rev.} 7.15. Efa.57.2o. Pfal.65.8, Verso 1. yeoidiag :] Hehr. making: that is, bear- ing and bringing forth. From this fruitfulnes of the earth, arc many arguments ofGods praiCe,in Pfal. to4.14, 15,16. The holy Ghent compareth mans nature herennto,Heb.6,.7. and men arc like- ¡sed to trees, their words and workes,tofruits; Jer.17.7,8. Matth.3.1o. after bit binde:] fo that Mn; doe not gather fiesesof Alms , nor vraperofthe bramble, Luke 644. This alto noteth. the great va- rietie of herbs weeds., trees of fimdry forts, and different qualities. The like is after, concerning it beafts. whole feed it,] or,wbiebbarb it feed in it felfe: ,wherby it is continued,and yearly renewed. For by feed fowne, the herbes and trees fpring up a- gaine, l Cor. 15.37, 38. And from this word of God in nature, the Apofile fheweth his worke in, grace,when the feed of God remaineth In us,t Joh. 3.9. and from the fpringing up of feed, after it is dead in the earth,a Gmilicude is taken of the fruit, of Chrifis death, and of our bodies refurre&ion; Joh. 12.24. Cor.15.36,37. Ver. 14. Light,,] or Lighters, that is, lightfome bodies, or inftruments that light. This name Paul applieth to the Saints,that thine in the world,Phil.2.r 5. for figue,,] to lignifie things, both natural' and.ordinarie and extraordinarie for merrie or judgement, Luke 21, 25. A &.2,19, 20. Pfal. 65.9. feafons,] or ,fit ti ici; as Sunt- mer , Winter, Spring andAutomne, Gen. 8.2 2. which come by the comte of the Sun: the Moone alto, isfrappointedtimes, Pfal. 1 04.19. fo be the Stars and constellations, Job 38.31, 32 In Ifr.eel alto the fet times of Gods fervice were by them,as new Moores, & Festivities, Num.28.Of the liars lob faith, God maketb Ar£barus, (which rifeth in September, and beginneth Autunme;) and Orion, (which arifeth in December, and beginneth Win- ter;) and Pkiaek ,(which arife in the Spring;) and the chamberi of tlieSoutb,(that is,the Southern oars, which are for the molt part hidden from us,as in chambers, but force arifè to us in Summer, as the Dog-liar, and the like) Job 9. 9. chies,] both large laies, of 24.houres,from Sun fitting to Sun Petting ; and ftri&,of i 2. houris, from Sun riling to Sun fettiog, as is observed before on verC 5.a fpeciall tire whereof,is Chewed in Pfa. i 04.19; 23. andyeeres:] that is, and fir yeeres, as the Greeke tranllateth it. A propertie of fpeech , when a word oft before expressed, is in the 'aft branch omitted for brevity. The like is in Hof..3.4. Eph. 4.1 i.Ga1,3.28. Ayeere, kath the name in Hebrew, of Changeling, or Iteration, which is by the revolu- tions of the Sun, Moone and Stars. For in fay - ingyeeres, he may comprehend not onely the pe- riod or circuit of the Sunde, (which is in 365. daies,and 6.houres)but of the other Planets allo. The Hebrew Doftors fay'; The moncdes of theyeere, they are the months of the Moon ; and theyeeres that the totem , they are tbeyeeres of the Seine. The laies of the yeere of the Moone , 3 54. The yeere of the Seime, bath 36 5. dales anda quarter, which it fix hotares. Maimo- ny in Mi fi eb, in Kiddaafh bachakfb, chap. 1. fe &. t. & chap.8. fè &.3. & chap.9. fe&. i. Ver. i 6. the greater ] or,thegreat light,meaning the Seen,PCal.036.8. which is called in-Hebrew, fòme- timeChammah,. the warme -Sun, ECsy 30.26. be- caufe none is bid from hie heat, Pfal. t 9.7. (onset Mu Chores, theglifiering-Son, Job 9.7. but ufually it is named Shemefb that is, a Minter or fervent, be- caufe by is God miniffreth light, heat, and pre- cious fruits, to all people under heaven, Deut. 4. 19. and 33.14. The Sunne is in the midst of the Planets as principal'; and when he rilèth, he is glorious, 111/4 a Bridegroom_ tannin ¡orthoxt of hie chamber, Psalm. 59.6. and bee is the greeted 13 3 of 4