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Jakob bktleth GENESIS XLVIII. Ephraim & Manafles. Hebrew Do&ors note of Iakb , that his whole begotten iffuc, which thou (halt beget fter body was buried in Canaan; of Iofeph, that his bones only were buried there, (Gen.5 o.2 5.)and of Mofes , that neither his body nor his bones were there buried; yet was hee advanced above them 'all, in that he was buried of God , no man knowing of his Sepulchre, Dent.34.6. R. Mena - ebem, and the Zohar. on Gen.47. 3 i Verf,3.1. bowed himfelfe]namely unto God,with thankefulneffe,who had after other blelfings , gi- ven him now this affuranceby Iofephs promife & oath, that hee fhould be caried Into Canaan, the figure of the kingdome of heaven.Therefore this particular is related by Paul, as ateftimonyof ,Iakobs faitb, Heb. r 1.21. the beds head]where- otrheelay in his age and weakenelfe, and on the head (orbollter) whereof, hee retied himfelfe, worlhipping God. The like is Paid of David in his old age ; that he bowedhimfelfe Upon the bed,when hebleffed God, 1 King. The Hebrew Mittab, a bed; the Lxxij. Greeke interpreters, ha ving a copie without vowels (Mttb) did read it Matteb ; which fignifieth a fiaffi, and fo tranlla- ted it : whom the Apoffle followeth, laying , on the top of hisfiaffe, Hebr.1 r .21. which might alto well be, that he helped himfelfe, by leaning en hit ffaffe, and refting on the bolfier of the bed.Howbeit the two ChaldeeParaphratis, and other Greeke verfions (Cave that of the Lxxij.) tranflate ac- cording to the vowellcd Hebrew, bed. t`12 1t tit** ti214 '12 it. CHAP. XLVIiI. 1, Iofeph with hit fame,, vifetetb hit Me. father. a. bleb firengtheneth himfaf tobledfeethem. 3, Hee repeatetb the promif. 5, Hee adopteth Ephraim and lid ana hIofephs formes, as his name. 7, Hetebethhim. of hie mothers grave. 9, Hee blefth Ephraim and Ma- nafh. 17, Hee preferreth the younger before the elder, though it difpleafed Iofeph. 21, He prophefieth the If- reeliter rename to Canaan, andgiveth Iofeph hie portion therein. Nd it was, after theft things ; that one faid unto Iofeph; Behold thy father is ficke : and he took, his two fons,with a him; Manaífes and Ephraim. And one told Iakob;and faid,behold thy fon Iofeph ;com. meth unto thee : and Ifrael ifrengthned him - 3 felfe ; and fate upon the bed.And Iakob faid unto Iofeph ; God almighty, appeared unto me in Luz in the land of Canaan :and bleffed 4 mee. And faid unto me ; behold I will make thee fruitfull, and multiply thee ; and give thee to be an affetnbly of peoples ; and will give this land, to thy feed after thee for an ç eternali paffèllion. And now,tby two tons, which were borne unto thee in the land of Egypt;before I came unto thee,into Egypt, they are mine : Ephraim and Manatfes, as 6 Reuben Be Simean, fhallbe mine. And thy them,fhall bee thine : by the name of their brethren, (hall they becalled,in their inheri- tance. And I,when I came from Paäan; Ra- chel dyed by me, in the land of Canaan, in the way ; when yet there nota a little- peece of ground,to come to Ephrath; and I buried her there , in the way of Ephrath ; that is Bethlehem. And Ifrael law, the tons of Io- feph: and faid, who are thefe e And Iofeph Paid unto his- father; they are my fons;wnotn God hath given to me,in this place: and hee faid,take them I pray thee unto mee , an I will bleffe them.And the eyes of Ifrael were heaviefor okl age; hecould not fee: and bee broughtthem neereunto him; and he kiffed them, and imbraced them. And Ifrael Paid unto Iofeph ; I had not thought to fee thy face;and loe, God hath made me to fee thy feed alto. And Iofeph brought them out, from betweene his knees: & he bowed him- felfe on his face, to the earth. And Iofeph took them both; Ephraim in his right-hand, toward Ifraelsleft-hand; & Manatfes in his left hand , toward Ifraels right-hand : and brought them, neere unto him. And Ifrael firetehed out his right - hand,and put it upon Ephraims head,and he was the yonger ; and his left-hand,upon Manz fes head : bee pru- dently-guided his hands; for Manatfes, was the firft- borne. And hee blelfed Iofeph, and Paid: the God, before whom my fathers, A. braham and Ifaak,did walke, he God which fed me,fince I was,unto this day. The Angel which redeemed me, from all evill, bleffe the lads : & let my name,be called on them; and the name of my fathers, Abraham and Ifaak : and let them increale like fifh into a multitude, in the midit of the land. And Io- feph law , that his father put his right-hand upon Ephraims head , and it was evill in his eyes :. and hee held-up his fathers hand , to remove it froth on Ephraims head, unto Manatfes head. And Iofeph faid , unto his father, not fo my father: for this is the fin i- borne ; putthy right -hand , upon his head. And his father refuted; and laid , I know it my fon , I know it; hee alto fhall become a people,and healto shall be great:buttruely, his yonger brother (hall begreater then he ; and his feed (hall bee a plenty of nations. And he bleffed them in that days Paying ; In thee,fhall Ifrael bleffe,faying;God put thee, as Ephraim,& as Manaffes: and he put Eph- raim,before Manatfes. And Ifrael laid, unto Jofeph;Behold I dye: and God will be with P 3 you; 161 7 8 9 IO II I2 13 1'4 IS r6 17 18 19 20 21