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GENCSI$ XLIX, frail goe firth to marré againff his enemies, &e. Like- wife in Bre fhitb Rabb °, (peaking of this place, it is laid ;' he freweth to :bat when the Chriff (hall come to fave Ifrael, hee (ball mare ready his at , and ride upon him, and come unto Ifrael with poverty. the foale.] Hebrew, the'fonne of hit affi, that is, biayong of : fee the notes on Gen.18.7. wa(Eetbbis raiment] an other figurative pronlífe of wine to be as plen- tiful) as water , that hee may walls his clothes in ít: or, of a glorious vi£tory that Iudah and Chrilt fhould get over his enemies, as in Efa.63. I.2.3. his conqueft is feu forth by fuch a parable. And in Revel. 19. r 3. hee is clothed with a gar- ment dipt in blood; and in Revel. 54. zo.1his judgement on the enemies , is the treading of a wine-prelle. And fo the Ierufaleniy Thargum doth explaine it , faying, Heelball kill Kings and Princes , makinn the rivers red with blood of their faire, and the bills white,mitb the fat of their mighty men : hit garments fhall bee embrewed in blood, and beelike to one preffmg chillers of grapes. blood] that is, juice of grapes, which for the red colour is called blood : fo Deut.32.I4. 12 Verde 22. reel with wine] another figue of plen- ty of fruits; for the drinking of much wine ma- keth redeyes Prov. 23. 29. 30. hereby alfothe plenty of irituall bleffings its Chrilt is Ggnified: Prov.9. f.2. Efay 95.6. and 55.1. So Thargum Iertifalemy applyeth it,faying , flow beaesrifull are the eyes of the KingChrifl to Iookee upon ; more then fined min, that bee beholdeth not with them unehaff copulati- otu, or murthers of innocents. His teeth are exercifed in the law,that he eatetb not with them iniquities and robbe- ries. His mountainsfbafl bee red with vineyards and wine pre( s : his hills jball be white With fiore of wheat, and fbekg of fheepe. Other of the Jew Do&ors,rec- kots Iudah for the feventh Patriarch, thus, I. A- braham, 2, Ifaak, 3, lalggb, 4, Reuben , 5, Symeon, 6, Levi, 7, Iudah : and they compare him with the fiventb (that is, the Sabbath) day. Atludabs birth it is faid of his mother , Pee fiayedfrom bearing, Gen. 29. 35. at the Sabbath day, it iafaidof God, be relied and now refrefhed, Exod. 31.17. Of Iudah it it fold, Iudah thou , thy brethien /Gail coufefjè thee, Gen. 49.8. (and; this time I will confeffe the Lord, Gen. 29. 3 5.) and of the Sabbath it is good to confeQe unto the Lard, Pfàl 92.2. Of Iudah it is faid, from she prey my fmne , thou art gone up, Gen.49.9. the prey ftg- ntfetk bis food; at if bee fhould fay, thou art gone up from ding even, the work:far the life, at of the Sabbath it is laid, in it tbou(lools not doe any work:, Exod.2o.1 O. Of Iudah it it faid , bee flopped dowrc, bee couched as a Lyon, &c. Gen. 4 9.9. and of the Sabbath, abide yen every man in his place, Exod. 16. 29. Of Judah it is faid, binding his of -colt unto the vine, Gen. 49.1i. at if bee fhould fay; binding him from bit worke; of the Sabbath it is laid, that thine axe and thine of may refl. Exod. 23.12. Of Judah it is faid, hee walked, his raiment in wine Gen. 49.11. which fgnifîeth the fanúf ing of the day which is with swine , frgrsifying the property of judgements, and therefore the Scepter was given him, of the Scepter _hall not depart fiam lesdah, &e. And as fudsh war the fourth of the tribes (of If- r rael ) fo the Sabbath is the f urth of the commande- 167 menu (Exod. so.) R. Menachem, on Gen.49 Verf 13. Zabulon] hee though hee was yonger then Iffachar, Gen. 30.18.20. yet Iakob gives hint the blefling before h im: fo alto doth Mofes, Dent. 33. 18. and his lot befell him in his land, before Iflachars : Iof. 19. 10, 57. feat] his borders were both to the main lea weftward, and to the lea of Galilee Eaftward : fee his por- tion, Iol. 19.1o. &c. Efay 9.1. The Chaldee Pa- rapliraft expoundeth it bee fbailfubdueprovinces with fbijos , and (hall Bate the good things of the lea. &c. Mofes giveth him a bleffin to rejoice inbiegomg out, or, trading,Deut.33.iS. Verf., 4. firongboned] Hebrew, of of hone, that is, holy, hard,flrong, two bounds] orfêtlimits, borders : fo the Chaldee paraphraft alloexpound- eth it ; and Thargum Iertifalemy more plainly thus, I(faeha,. (hall be a flrong tribe and hie border fhali bee its the midff between two borders. So alto the Greeke tranflateth, amidds the inheritances. Others expound it, between two burdens ; fuch as are laid on alles backs. Verde 15. ref( ] this may bee a note of their floathfulnefle : in refpe& whereof others are bla- med , for fitting (till between the two bounds, (or burdens) Iudg. 5. 16. Howbeit Mofes biddeth them rejoyceio their tents, Deut.33.i2. And the le- rufalemy Thargum expoundeth it , bee feeththe knife of the fanffreary, that it proclaimed) reft,therefore it is good: &c. gathering this fen( ( as I fttppofe ) from Mofes words, they (hall call the people unto the (Lords) mountain, &c. Deut.33.19. Thus it is their Frail-a , for Loving to bee quiet , and being contented with their portion. Compare with this the time when T bola of Iflachar jud -' ged Ifrael , in whole time Ifrael had refs Ver(: 16. judge] an allufìon to Dann name, Dan laden: the lodger fleab' judge : fee Gent. 30.6. This prophefiewas fulfilled in Samfon, One of his pc- (terity , who judged Ifrael, Iudg.15. 2o. So the Chaldee paraphralt explaineth it Of the /oou fe of Dan Pall a man bee choler, and rife up : in whole elayes his people fhall bee delivered, &c. But the lerufalemy Thargum nameth him, fay ing,. this id' Samfonfonne of Manoah. the tribes] This name Tribe is bor- rowed from the Latin& word Tribuo , ufed for affockpr kindred that difcend from one fa'ther.For Romulus the founder of Rome,divided the mul- titude of his fibjects into threeparts,which hee named thereof Tribes, t as (heweth Pemp;u. Letm deRom. Magifirat.) But in the Hebrew a tribe is here called Shebet,t hat is, a ftaff ,rod, or (eepter, (as is before touched, verfe i o.) and elfewhere Mat - teh, which is allo a rod or pap ; either becaufe they grew as rods and branches out of one root Ifrael,as is particularly mes,tioned oflofeph,ver. 22. or becaúfe their names were written upon twelve rods,Numb.r7.2. &c. And this judging as one of the tribes, is fo fpoken, becaufe each (tocke or tribe, had one chiefe head and Prince, ruler of the fame,Num.r.4.16. and God railed up ludges & defenders of Ifrael,out ofmony feverall tribes, as the booke of Iudges (haweth. Wherefore the Scripture 13 14 15 16