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,iir,c/rirC;. r rrNuniras fez Rib is an example of forgive; and to doe good Eor evil 1, asChrill tea- cheth all : Mattit. 5.44. So the Hebrew Canons fay, It it unlawful! far him that it hurt, to he cruel!, and not to fmngive : this it not theway of the fled of Ifrael. But when bee that did the hurt , doth requefi it , and arks grace of him, once or twice, and bee knowrth that bee turnes from hie fìnne, and repent ethafbiit evill: bee (hall forgive him; 114aimony in his laid treat. of Hurt anddam- m>ge, chaP.5. tea.' O. 23 Verf. 23. third generation] or thirdformes. So was his blelfing begun to be acconsplilhed, Gen. 49.22. and 28. 19. borne] that is, brought up: of Machir, fee Num. 32.39. 24 Verf. 24. vifiting, &c.] that is, will furel vif t ; meaning, in mercie : fee Gen. 21. 1. This was a teflitication of his faith in Gods promifes ; as is written, By faith Jofeph at his ending , made mention of the departure ofthe tonnes of Ifrael, and gave eomman- dementc ncerningbisbones,Heb. 11.22. Tha Ind of Canaan, was a ligne of their heavenly inheritance, as before is (hewed, on Gen. 12. 5. & 17. 8. Heb. 11. 13, 14,16. and there Chrift riling from the GENESIS L. enitie, and readinelre to dead, lhould be the brit fruits of them that flept, by whom the refltrre&ion of the dead ( which Iofephexpe`Eted)was CO come, t Cor. 15.20, 21, 22. And there many bodies of the Saintswhich flept, arofe and came out of the graves, after Chrifts relnrre&ion, Mat.27. 52,53. Verf. 25. from hence] or, from tbia, place : the Greekeaddeth,reithyou. Titis charge was fulfil- led, when at their going out of Egypt, Mofes took the bones of Jofeph with him , Exod.13.19. which afterward were buried in Scchem, lalogbs purchafe, and lofephr tonnes heritage, Jot: 24.32. Stephen. fheweth that the other Patriarchs (the fonnes of Iakob) were buried alit in Seehem in the land of Canaan, A. 7.16. Verf. 26. old] Hebrew, frame of110. yeeres, Gen. 5.32. The fame was the age of jells (or loftta) when he died; the conquerour of Canaan, and one of Iafepbt feed Jot.. 24.29. an Ark] orCheft, Coffin : to be ready, at their removall out of D. gyps. This death of lofeph, (whereat the firlt book of Aloft ended]) was after the Creation of the World, 2369. yeeres. as 26 ANNO-